Open Air Campaigners
Open Air Campaigners is an organisation
made up of Christians who want to share The Message with as many people as possible. They
want to do this because they believe that people desperately need to hear this message and
believe it. What will happen to those who don't is too awful to contemplate.
Mission Statement
OAC seeks to preach the gospel of Christ by all means, working with the Church, with
particular emphasis on open air and out going evangelism. This is summed up in the OAC
Presenting Christ by all
means everywhere.
OAC began in Australia in 1892. Since then things have grown considerably. Open Air
Campaigners is an international fellowship of autonomous national organisations, working
in over 20 countries world wide.
Have a look at some different sites and see what is happening in
different countries around the world.
N.B. These links will bring you out of this web site.
OAC International
MEPA France
OAC New Zealand
OAC Australia