# News #

# New Maxi in Italy April 1999

  1. Snoopy With Halloween Tree

  2. Snoopy With Motor House

if you want ,you can get them every $ 13.00


New Series in Germany :

# Top Ten Teddies im Urlaub in January 1999

# Funny Fanten Stars in der Manege (10 Fig.) 13 August 1998

# Fancy Fuxies (10 Fig.) in November ´98

# Im Tal der Trapper und Indianer - 12 Detachable Figures

# 12 october 1998 ,it comes Christmas-Ball (inside with Figures,like the maxi-Eggs)The Figures will be called The world of Funny Fanten.


New Series in Italy :

# Stralunati (10 Fig.) in September ´98

# Tom & Jerry - 8 Detachable Figures (k99 nr82 - k99 nr89)

# 8 Puzzle (k99 nr120 - k99 nr127) Pictures Animals,Cars




New Series in Benelux :

# Tropical Fants (10 Fig.) in January ´99

# Pyramiao (10 Fig.) in September ´98 and also together with

   Series  # mit den Blumentopfzwergen durch die Jahreszeiten (they were

   1994 in Germany)


Kinder Surprise Figures Catalog in USA & Canada :

#Do you need Catalog Kinder Surprise Figures??                  

Please Contact :

Collectors Mail Service,L.C.

134  Springhurst Circle . Lake Mary . FL 32746. USA

Phone 1-888-610-BOOK  .Fax:(407)328 8315


If you know Something news about Kinder - Surprise or another Firm , please write me.Thanks


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TY Beanie Babies Figures for Sale & Trade

Price - List Ferrero

Price - List another Firm

Wanted Figures



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