~Firefighting Poems~

Fireman's Prayer

Oh Lord, please help this Fireman
To be skillful and be brave.
Please let me never falter
When there are lives to save.

Be with my fellow firemen
And ride with us on each run.
From the moment that we "suit-up"
Until the job is done.

Be with me as I guide a child
Through the dark and smokey haze.
Give me strength and courage
As I fight the deadly blaze.

Lord, I put my safety in your hands,
But in the chaos and the strife,
Help me act with selfish courage.
God, just let me save a life.

By: Ramona K. Cecil

Do You Just Belong?

Are you an active member,
The kind that would be missed,
Or are you just contented,
That your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings,
And mingle with the flock,
Or do you meet in private,
And criticize and knock?
Do you take an active part,
To help the work along,
Or are you satisfied to be,
The kind who just belongs?
Do you work on committees,
To this there is no trick,
Or leave the work to just a few,
And talk about the clique?
So come to meetings often,
And help with hand and heart.
Don't just be a member,
But take an active part.
Think this over colleagues,
You know what's right from wrong.
Are you a valued member,
Or do you just belong?

~Author Unknown

My Daddy's a Fireman

We're seldom named in poems, though we do have charm and poise,
Firemen never seem to have girls; it's always boys, boys, boys!
Well, my Daddy's a fireman, and I'm proud as I can be,
While my name isn't Tommy or Billy, he loves me cause I'm me.
He needs both me and Mommy to remind him of things to do,
Like going to Church on Sunday and emptying the garbage, too.
One day he took me with him to his firehouse downtown,
I sat in the big red engine and pushed the siren down.
At times, I like to fool him; make him believe I'm asleep at night,
He'd whisper: "Nite-nite, little darlin', don't let the bed bugs bite!"
Please don't tell anybody, I once saw my Daddy cry,
He fought a real bad fire and told Mommy he saw someone die.
Why he fights fires, I guess I'm too young to know,
He's always helping people...and, that's why I love him so.
The reason I wrote this poem is to explain the best I can,
Girls, just like boys, can say with pride...MY DADDY'S A FIREMAN!

~Author unknown

Firefighter's Pledge

I promise concern for others. A willingness to help all those in need.

I promise courage - courage to face and conquer my fears.
Courage to share and endure the ordeal of those who need me.

I promise strength - strength of heart to bear whatever burdens might be placed upon me.
Strength of body to deliver to safety all those placed within my care.

I promise the wisdom to lead, the compassion to comfort, and the love
to serve unselfishly whenever I am called.

~Author unknown

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