To Our Family Photo Page

This page will always be under construction, and we will be adding more photos as time goes by.
Hopefully you will be able to see our whole family soon.

Florida Trip
March 1998
This is grandpa Ken with a knocked out Hannah and Jessica. This was our first trip (home - Florida) after the baby was born. I have no idea what Jessica is trying to do in this photo, but she is always a hoot. Hannah was knocked out because she didn't feel to well, she had the chicken poxs ! Yep, she had them when she was about 3 months, so not everybody got to see her that trip.

Sara and Jess
March 1998
This is Jessica and her cousin Sarah. Hi Sarah !!

what a look
This is my Aunt Scotty and Abby. This was their trip to see us in July (1998). Hi Aunt Scotty and Abby, I love you!! That's a pretty silly look on Hannah's face :o)

Family Reunion 1999
This is us at our first Family Reunion in Charleston WV. We really enjoyed meeting so many family members!! And Charleston is just so beautiful!
Behind us is Mia and Ken. Summer of 1999

I hope to have more photos soon, so please check back. Thanks

~Jessica's Page~ ~School Photos~
~Hannah's Page~
~Holiday Photos~ ~Family Photos~
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