Some Top Producers of the Past

Whilst going through some old pedigrees, I found this list of Top Producers, prepared by a company called National Breeders Registry. Preparation date, October 15th 1966.
(The paperwork was scanned into my computer, so it is possible the computer may have misread a character – if you find a problem please contact me )

Some Top Producing Sires: Click on their name to see a list of progeny

Ch. Altopa Atom
Charijos Lonesome
Ch. Charmac Gay Boy
Ch. Charmac Gay Lad
Davidson's Super Sandy
Ch. Do Mor Director
Ch. Jim Dandy of Pine Lodge
Ch. Kinsman High Jinks
Ch. Kinsman Jimmy Valentine
Ch. Randall's Minor
Ch. Security Smokey
Ch. Thornridge Toney
Ch. Thornridge Wrinkles
Ch. Travis Court Terwilliger

Some Top Producing Dams: Click on their name to see a list of progeny

Altopa Anita
Charijos Bar Lady
Charijos Betsy Jane
Charmac Wise Girl
Ch. Do Mor Patrolette
Ch. End O'Maine Sweetheart
Fiedler's Merry Girl
Ch. Gay Boy's Faith
Haycliff Hot Penny
Judy of Pine Lodge
Ch. Schaeffer's Lady Minor
Ch. Travis Court Phoebe

Ch Thornridge Toney # 983238
Sire of 34 Champions:

Ramsay's Gay Jeane X-35416
Kinsman Toni H-29422
Ramsay's Cheer Leader H-15103
Willow Cove Charm H-8375
Ralph's Chum A-791909
Hobby Hollow Traveler .4-788212
Sogo Singaway A-716737
Joyrfu1 of Culver Hill A-673673
Anchorage Sea Mist A-666545
Ralph's Tonette A-603428
Honor of Walnut hall A-573508
Mischief of Culver Hill A-570061
Tyah Topaz A-558656
Culver's Franklin Jay A-509209
Newman's Toney A-506598
Trudy Ann A-434868
Masterly Cleopatra A-432078
Culver's Comet A-392494
Harmonic of Walnut Hall A-383605
Huntsman of Walnut Hall A-382463
Harvest of Walnut Hall A-382461
Thornridge Toney's Boy A-306450
Eberle's Princess A-362110
Craftsman of Walnut Hall A-281661
Charity of Walnut Hall A-281660
Carefree of Walnut Hall A-281659
Cheerful of Walnut Hall A-281658
Prairie Creek Packstress A-277554
Merry Belle Hicks A- 265630
Ramsay's Step Ahead Toney A-15101
Ralph's Bit o' Honey A-791911
Eberle's Diana A-362111
Davidson's Heather Belle A-378452
Brownie of Pinicon A-325400


Ch Thornridge Wrinkles # H-8855
Sire of 76 champions

Thornridge Daisey Mae H-134429
Full-O-Wrinkles H-143479
Tic-On's Whimsey H-157112
Hobby Holly Cindy H-35652
Security Stylish Bess H-176350
Cry Baby of Pinewood H-159215
The Music Master from Mel Hara H-133288
Honor's Twin H-104262
Rubino's Bows H-104202
Bar Crest Little Jack H-82286
Kinsman Karefree H-79451
Dellwood Rosemary H-78610
Jacobi's Judge H-74926
Kinsman Kricket H-59169
Easterwood Winkle H-57966
Chessman of Walnut Hall H-56454
Rose-A-Lee Wrinkles H-48734
Security Smokey H-46753
Security Symbol H-46752
Security Salute H-46751
Hobby Hollow Hunter H-35655
Martin Spitz 's Yankee Clipper H-169260
Thornridge Scarlett H-171036
Eberle's Showmaid H-148833
Thornridge Comet H-173559
Thornridge Craftsman H-293750
Sureplace Lad H-182535
Ozaukee's Color Sergeant H-182523
Bob Culton's Bunny H-132497
Brettman's Scuffy Boy H-247921
Boja Annabel H-132000
Thornridge Chloe H-276149
Kinsman Kre-ton H-208567
Thornridge Allegro H-184552
Bob Culton's Little Wrinkles H-359058
Brettman's Pegasus H-243463
Ritter's Sweet Sue H-308739
Cedar Grove Cedric H-333529
Mallory's Rock-A-Bye Bantie H-366332
Char-Juan's Fortuna H-355569
Meander Bugler H-373555
Larchmoor Jaunty Juno H-318419'
Manuella De Aquino Rancho H-282355
Doctor of Turkey Run H-173023
Kinsman Mr. Kallahan H-287363 '
Travis Court Molly Malone H-430399
Kinsman Kapricorn H-343402
Travis Court Thornwrinkle H-430397
Thornridge Gaiety H-408900
Char-Mar Fashion H-457456
BoJa Cherokee H-324 754
Char-Mar Rochester H-457455
Char-Juan's Senior Juan H-355567
Travis Court Pennlo Peachie H-498279
Lady Bib Van Wrinkles H-381076
Sweet Adeline of Park Lane H-502567
Clark's Lackawana Lad H-634150
Thornridge Showman H-474406
Char-Juan's General Patton H-507737
Sogo Stand Out H-505561
Thornridge Fashion H-526710
Maltbie's Sammy H-712348
Thornridge Jinny H-526708
Travis Court Lucy Gallant H-498280
Gayek's John Alden H-540265
Thornridge Jane H-596249
Thornridge Tess H-502570
Gayek's Thankful H-540268
Rocky Wrinkles H-452 968
Thornridge Ebony H-513239
Cedar Grove Carlo H-531721
Thornridge Mombo H-513237
Tick Tack of Park Lane H-559700
Thornridge Jenny H-596250
Johane Thistledown H-8666~8
Clark's Lackawana Tony H-736366

Ch. Altopa Atom # H-27185 (13" Beagle)  
Sire of 29 Champions:

Opus Cresendo H-70667
Miller's Penny H-72857
Ridgehill Rock H-91825
Buckeye Satin H-105669
End O' Maine Sweetheart H-111780
Penny Atom H-116018
Round Table's Copper Lass H-116084
Round Table's Blaze H-116085
Windanola Charm H-136999
Nobil Hill Mike H-150295
Opus Jester H-216382
Del-Rad Faith H-81889
Fiedler's Atomic Lady H-112537
El- Mar Showman H-188946
Del-Rad Hope H-81890
Pendell's Lotta Chatter H-268481
Buck Run Shadrack H-273567
Spike Atom H-291937
Hi-Line Gallant Bo H-245695
Altopa Atom II H-361815
Linghurst Atom H-386993
Buck Run Shahairazaide H-366568
Pendell's Win-Sum Bell H-268482 .
Buck Run Rebecca H-366567
Flo's Peg of My Heart H-455332
Dale's Success Frisco Atom H-411322
Dale's Skipper II H-483 192
Mount Riga Rubin II H-457491
Linghurst Linda H-726 707

Ch. Charmac Gay Boy # A-472481  
Sire of 32 Champions:

Rich's Happy Girl H-93829
Opus Calliope H-70682
Caranci's Walnut H-64 704
Harriman's Gay Boy H-63681
Patten Hill Teacher H-51837
Patten Hill Tuneful H-51836
Culver's Mary H-46141
Chamont Prompter H-23178
Rich's Cobber H-16264
Delview Little Lady C IT-13160
Little Victory's Neida H-8669
Verzone's Cantonia H-8514
Hoch's Cadence H-5722
Ralph's Gay Boy A-99649O
Manly's Betty Lou A-921757
Miller's G I Joe A-920747
Greylag Checkers A-917534
C. S. Robbin A-896427
Culverts Carol A-860560
Pepper of Pine Lodge A-842471
C. S. Gaypanel A-780656
C. S. Gaylad A-780655
Harriman ' S Donnie Dover A-770253
Edgewood Gay Girl A_768726
Jim. Dandy of Pine Lodge A-765338
Gay Boy's Faith A-764890
Golden Forest Chimes A-720095
Culverts Colleen A-635162
Culverts Copperhead A-635161
Culverts Laddie Buck A-635159
Boja Bell H-163486
Corley's Crusader H-268583

Ch. Kinsman High Jinks # H-121873
Sire of 36 Champions:

Travis Court Terwilliger H-219845
Gaycroft Baker's Brando H-301127
Travis Court Tru-Love H-219843
Baker's Button H-299613
Gaycroft Baker's Bart H-292147
Maltbies Little Cinderella H-3676~7
Merry Chase Jester H-343476
Kinsman Master H-339326
Skywood Pepperette H-376804
Maltbies Sergeant Bill H-367669
Thornridge Prim H-192999
Maltbies Lady Diantha H-367648
Travis Court Tin Cup Fortune H-388373
Pendell's Captivating Cutie H-412530
Teddie of Roselawn H-398 404
Wal-Dor's Duchess H-580&73
Whitson's Tim Tex H-526168
Whitson's Wilma Lee H-526172
Wal-Dor's Princess H-665474
Shirlwood Signature H-~80369
Kinsman Jasper H-412451
Skywood By Jinks H-376805
Kinsman Mascot H-479887
Har-Val's Tiny Tim H-736166
Elsy's Little Willie H-738912
Validay Fashion H-723996
Har-Val's April H-834583
Pine Crest Mischief H-798690
Johnson's Little Jinks H-843472
Har-Val's Trudy H-736164
Kinsman Bettina H-748182
Kinsman Buttons II HA-196590
Pine Crest Bandito HA-321196
Har-Val's Ms rry Mischief HA-398862
Pine Crest Magee Gypsy HA-321195
Wright-Eager Gay Carouse HA-307322

Ch. Charmac Gay Lad # A-192053
 Sire of 19 Champions:

Charmac Clipper A-879267
Strain's Whitdale Laddie A-784582
Charmac Gay Blade A-761655
Royal Oak Ronny A-708 995
Babylonian Bellman A-681801
Babylonian Bashful A-681799
Charmac Temptress A-667453
Krall's wise Lady A-652290
Kinsman Vixen A-600008
Culver's Charmac Judy A-570560
Culver's Charmac Duchess A-570559
Charmac Little Colonel A-510173
Charmac Gay Boy A-472481
Foxcatcher Flirt A-464965
Jaggerwood Duchess A-426216
Wakem's Jenny Wren A-411225
Charmac Drummer A-358175
Chatterbox of Walnut Hall A-324551
Charmac Little Count A-319637

Charijos Lonesome # A-399142
 Sire of 2 Champions:

Charijos Rosita H-154286
Betsy Jane Bugler H-67609

Davidson's Super Sandy # A-73675\
Sire of 2 Champions:

Altopa's Able Tuck H-29165
Altopa Atom H-27185

Ch. Do Mor Director # H-383777
Sire of 10 Champions:

Do Mor Dungaree Doll H-588035
Director's Miss Perfection H-777066
S. K. Trooper H-888836
Talla Tres Jolie Eboness H-798281
Do Mor Debutante H-881255
Zeigler's Gay Honey HA-37886
Ralph's Tonette II HA-252594
Jackson's Adorable Abegail HA-354332
Al-Cor's Bundle of Joy HA-301102
Jackson's Audacious Annajo HA-354331

Ch. Jim Dandy of Pine Lodge # A-765338
 Sire of 3 Champions:

Linghurst Mary Lou H-275168
Linghurst Jim Dandy H-315531
Do Mor Director H-383777

Ch. Kinsman Jimmy Valentine # H-310202 (over 15")
Sire of 13 Champions:

End O' Maine Ridge Runner H-515818 (over 15")
J.P.Toboot H-562022
Kinsman Sparky H-412457
Kinsman Slicker H-412456
Kinsman Dismay H-578244
Kinsman Pearly H-526679
Kinsman Sonny Boy H-706639
Scholls Ferry Abigail H-873767
Buglair Candy HA-185332
Pine Crest Babbles Caper HA-257803
Barrall's Jake HA-163203
Sailor Mike HA-233266
Buglair Ginger's Image HA-373291

Ch. Randall's Minor # A-278445
 Sire of 4 Champions

Schaeffer's Lady Minor H-16599
Anchorage Randy A-666 544
Prairie Creek Purity A-419545
Prairie Creek Parade A-419543

Ch. Security Smokey # H-46753
 Sire of 6 Champions:

Do Mor Patrolette H-198327
Jandelo's Gay Lady H-187959
Nappi of Napa H-348211
Jandelo's Little Lady H-187958
Willow Hollow Smoke Signal H-394768
Young's Lady's Man H-377407

Ch. Travis Court Terwilliger # H-21984
 Sire of 7 Champions:

Travis Court Happy Talk H-339 705
Kinsman Jimmy Valentine H-310202
Travis Court General Justice H-451685
Travis Court Voodoo Charm H-451686
Travis Court Quality Quail H-610890
Tallywood Cadet H-806510
Travis Court Penni Pattern H-917040

Altopa Anita # A-784311
 Dam of 2 Champions:

Altopa's Able Tuck H-29165
Altopa Atom H-27185 

Charijos Bar Lady # H-1814
 Dam of 1 Champion:

Do Mor Patrolette H-198327

 Charijos Betsy Jane # A-764801
 Dam of 3 Champions:

Charijos Rosita H-154286
Betsy Jane Bugler H-67609 3
Charijos Sea Bee H-1062

Charmac Wise Girl # A-358174
 Dam of 7 Champions:

Royal Oak Ronny A-708995
Krall's Wise lady A-652290
Culver's Charmac Judy A-570560
Culver's Charmac Duchess A-570559
Charmac Little Colonel A-510173
Charmac Gay Boy A-472481
Wakem's Jenny Wren A-410225

Ch. Do Mor Patrolette # H-198327
 Dam of 2 Champions:

Do Mor Director H-383777
Do Mor Faith's Flash H-296098

Ch End O'Maine Sweetheart # H-111780
Dam of 1 Champion:

End O' Maine Ridge Runner H-515818

Fiedler's Merry Girl # A-722894
 Dam of 1 Champion:

Schaeffer's Lady Minor H-16599

Ch. Gay Boy's Faith #A-764890
 Dam of 11 Champions:

Snelling's Dapple John H-193508
Security Statesman H-193182
Faith's Promice H-174172
Llame Bye H-133637
Security Signal H-30784
Security Smokey H-46753
Security Symbol H-46 752
Security Salute H-46 751
Security Stylish Bess H-176350
Cry Baby of Pinewood H-159215
Boja Annabel H-132000

Haycliff Hot Penny # H-109400
 Dam of 2 Champions:

Kinsman Kre-Ton H-208567
Kinsman Jimmy Valentine H-310202

Judy of Pine Lodge # A-597659
 Dam of 4 Champions:

Jim Dandy of Pine Lodge A-765338
Pepper of Pine Lodge A-842471
Delview Little Lady C H-13160
Windanola Charm H-136999

Ch. Schaeffer's Lady Minor # H-16599
 Dam of 2 Champions:

End O' Maine Sweetheart H-111780
Fiedler's Atomic Lady H-112537

Ch. Travis Court Phoebe # H-101587
 Dam of 6 Champions:

Travis Court Terwilliger H-219845
Travis Court Tru-Love H-219843
Travis Court Debutante H-319642
Travis Court Tin Cup Fortune H-388373
Travis Court Phoebe II H-610877
Travis Court Phoebus Apollo H-610 876