Find the Secret Site


So, you want to have a bash at finding my secret site? Use the following clues to make your way!

My first is in cat, but not in cake.
My Second is the first letter of this:
My third is in ink, but not pen.
Cows moo, Ducks quack, horses _____? The first letter of what noise horses make is my forth.
CUC_OO CLOC_ the missing letter is the same in both words, and it makes my fifth.
HOW TO FIND THE SECRET SITE: Using the clues above, discover the secret word. Remember, it's a word, not a bunch of letters. If your browser supports java-script, type it in this box, add .html to it, and click on Find The Secret Site:

Secret Site Name (with .html added):

If you browser doesn't support java-script, follow these instuctions:

Look at the address of this page. It should read, If you are viewing this in frames, click here to make it a whole page. So, can you see the address? This is what it all means: Geocities are the people who host this free page, Heartland Bluffs 6024 is my allocation, and findsite.html is the name of this page. To go to the secret site, remove just the findsite.html and replace it with the mystery word. Press enter. IMPORTANT: remove only the findsite.html, and YOU MUST ADD .html to the end of the mystery word. If it's wrong, you'll find yourself at a Geocities, Sorry we cannot find the file you were looking for. If this happens try again. So, happy hunting! REMEMBER TO ADD .html to the mystery word!