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About Us

I live in Buffalo, New York. I graduated from New York State College at Buffalo, "Buff State." I worked for the City of Buffalo in Data Processing as a Systems Analyst for 12 years. I left the job because I was going to move down to Florida with my eighty-four year old Grandmother and join the majority of our family. However, my lovely house was not worth as much on the market as it is to me.

After that I went to work at Barrister Global Services Network, a job that I have recently left. I was with BGSN for 5 years. I saw a lot of changes in that time. Our Headquarters moved to New Orleans and then when Katrina hit, it move to Austin. I worked remotely from Buffalo and traveled occansionally. The new systems administrator cound not get me working remotely again and I didn't want the increased travel, so I'm not with them anymore.

Right now I'm under contract to Sonwil Distribution . . . apparently it doesn't matter what industry I'm in, they all need the same thing -- IT.

Things change, I can change with them.
Here is a copy of my resume.

Beau-Beau is a very grumpy poodle. Angel is, well, a sweet angel.
