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Wolf Links

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Links to Wolf Hybrid Web Sites
Wolf Dunn Online resource for information on Hybrid Wolves/Wolf dogs. The Wolf Dunn was created to help Hybrid Wolf/Wolfdog 'owners' meet others who share their lives with these magnificent creatures. 
Desert Moon's Wolf Page  This site is dedicated to the preservation of Canis Lupus and to the education of the public on the true nature of our brother the Wolf. This site contains a comprehensive listing of material related to wolves and wolf hybrids including a current news section, listings of regulations for all 50 states, Wolf related organizations, rescue organizations, preserves and education centers, sounds graphics, photos and multi-media resources.
Running Wolf Refuge Wolf and wolf hybrid information, events, stories, pictures, etc.
Ring of the Wolf  The Ring of the Wolf is a web ring made up of wolf or wolf hybrids lovers, breeders and people who just want to tell everyone the truth about wolves.



Links to Wolf Related Web Sites
Ginger's Exotic WolfCam A live view into a wolf compound in the Bitteroot Mountains of Idaho.
Wolves Archive of wolf photos and pictures.  Lots of excellent wolf pics here!
Our Brother, the Wolf Learn about the life of the wolf from puphood to death. Covers the three modes of wolf communication, diet, mating - all aspects of wolf behavior. 
The Searching Wolf Extensive collection of information about wolves of all kinds. included are lists of resources, original pictures, news & opinion, a wolf howl, a wolf growl, and more. huge list of links.
NOVA: Wild Wolves Hear the call of the wild, find out how wolves are making a comeback, and discover the ancient connection between dogs and wolves.

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