Answered Prayer and Providential Blessings

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Answer 8 Lost and Found


Sevilla and I were in a suburb of Washington, D.C. attending a conference on Righteousness by Faith. We had arrived in the afternoon by plane and were driven to our motel which was about two miles from the church where the meetings were being held.

As we drove past the church, I inquired of the driver the route from the motel to the church and received such vague directions that I knew I would have trouble finding it later that evening when the first session of the conference was scheduled to begin. However, I thought I knew the general direction despite the imprecise instructions I had received.

As Sevilla was tired, she did not want to attend, so, confidently, I set out for the church expecting to arrive on time, but, instead got lost. As I wondered through the suburban neighborhood, I asked the Lord to show me the way. The evening was warm and many people were in their yards doing things suburban dwellers do on a summer evening. Knowing my lost condition, I was not bashful in asking directions which appeared to be contradictory one from another. I wondered down streets I has just wondered down moments earlier, walked through a dark park which appeared suitable for muggers, ropiest, and assorted low life but found not the church.

While only blocks away, most people had never heard of the church, so I wondered on, getting sore feet but not loosing faith that God would ultimately guide me safely to my destination. Chancing upon an unfamiliar street, I glanced right and was astonished to discern, in the distance, my destination where I least expected to find it.

Praise the Lord!

Surprisingly, I arrived on time and enjoyed the singing and sermon. Following the conclusion of the meetings, it was dark and raining. As I did not know anyone in the congregation I could ask for a ride back to the motel, I decided, despite the rain, to walk. With my hand on the door handle preparatory to leaving, the Lord spoke to me in these precise words, “call a cab, you don’t know how to get back to the motel.”

The Lord is so gracious to us when we least deserve it, especially when we are about to make fools of ourselves. Not only did he guide me through unfamiliar streets but cautioned me against a rash act. I have not always listened to God and suffered disastrous results but I did that evening and arrived home safely and without getting wet.

Praise the Lord!


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