My Favorite Scriptures
King James Bible

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As I study the Bible, I have discovered certain verses or chapters that speak to my heart of God's love and mercy. These texts, I have collected from different portions of the Bible and present them here for your reading enjoyment. Through the years, in an endeavor to enlighten the reader of the Holy Scriptures, scholars have added chapter breaks, verses, annotations, and italicized words until the Bible is in danger of loosing its simplicity. All of these notations are of human origin and are not inspired. In an attempt to make the reading of the scriptures more enjoyable and interesting, I have defeated these references that these selections may read more like a common book then the Bible most of us are familiar with. I hope you won't be offended by their deletion.

May God bless you in your search for understanding of the character and nature of God. He will most assuredly bless you and you shall find Him for He has already found you.

Allen Benson




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