Dear Brothers, Letters to Christian Men
The Damming of Butler
By Allen A. Benson



Letter 15 The Lake of the Bathtub Ring



December 28,1997

Dear Jason:

In was thinking about you this morning, I think about you and your sister often, wondering how you are doing. Did you have a nice Christmas? When I was your age, I always enjoyed vacations, while I liked learning and going to school, I also enjoyed staying home.

We are renting an apartment overlooking a large lake near Mountain City that was created by a dam which is used to generate electricity. The water level usually fluctuates from its high in winter to a low in summer but this year the water is very low leaving a rim of rock showing along the shore that looks like the brown ring around the inside of the bathtub. The water level must be forty feet below average.

Our Landlord told me the people who control the dam spillway allowed an usually high volume of water out of the lake this summer because they were afraid of the effects of El Ninio. You probably heard of this weather phenomena, a body of warm water in the Pacific Ocean that is supposed to bring heavy rains and snow, storms, floods, high tides, and other bad things during winter.

When I was young, I was afraid of the dark, so mother put a night light in my room that made funny shadows on the walls. I always thought when children grew up they wouldn’t be afraid. That isn’t true, its just that adults are better at hiding their fear then children.

The men at the dam were afraid El Ninio would bring so much rain and snow that their lake would overflow so they let out too much water. What’s going to happen if El Ninio fizzles out. Their going to have egg on their face and an empty lake.

Their fears seem funny to people living along the shore. Fear is irrational. When we are afraid of something, the dark, for example, we begin to wonder of the monster under the bed is hungry and if he eats toes and fingers.

You and I know that monsters don’t live under beds, they prefer closets and they don’t eat toes and fingers but were still afraid, anyway.

Did you ever wonder if Christ was afraid? When Jesus was a little boy was He afraid of the dark? It might surprise you to know that even as a little boy He was never afraid. How do I know, because he said, “perfect love casteth out fear.” Jesus loved His Father and therefore could not be afraid for love is so strong that it can toss fear out of the window, that’s what “casteth out” means. When we love Jesus the way He loved his Father, fear is afraid to frighten us and will run away.

Do you remember the story of the night Christ and his disciples were crossing a lake and a terrible storm swept out of the hills and almost swamped the boat. The disciples were terrified but Christ was peacefully sleeping in the back of the boat. They were so frightened by the winds and lightnings that they cried.

When they woke Jesus he reprimanded them for being afraid then rebuked the storm which flew away in shame before the Savior. Jesus tells us not to be afraid because he is stronger then fear.

I’m not saying there isn’t anything to be afraid of, for there are many fearful things in this world but Christ has conquered them all including the monster that lives in the closet and comes out at night.

Fear is like a mean dog who chases us down the street snapping and snarling at our ankles. Spray its eyes with pepper gas or hit it on the nose with a stout stick and it will turn tail and run away. Our pepper gas or stick is Jesus Christ.

While fear is stronger then we are, Jesus is mightier then fear. Where Christ is, fear can’t stay. When you are afraid, invite Jesus to walk with you or stay in your room at night then fear will slink away into its whole and be afraid.

Jesus loves you, my dear brother. He is the great fear chaser. When fear is gnawing at your ankles, sing songs of Jesus, that’s what he did when fear threatened him when he was living on earth.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. Your brother in Christ.



Grandpa Benson


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