Dear Brothers, Letters to Christian Men
The Case of the Vanishing Bible
By Allen A. Benson


Letter 1 He Dropped His Pants for Dolly Madison


February 7,1998

Dear Br. George:


President Clinton has been making something of a fool of himself lately. I don’t know what your political beliefs may be, wether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, or wether you believe him or Monica ? (I don’t know how to spell her last name) is telling the truth or is lying, but the scandal swirling around our president affords me a springboard for discussing spiritual topics. (As you probably understand, being an astute, highly educated, well informed man, the charges, by the special prosecutor, Kenneth Star, do not concern President Clinton’s sexual relations but rather his alleged perjury.)

The charge has been made, by his defenders in an attempt to justify or dismiss the allegations, that all the Presidents engage in extramarital sexual relations. Below is a list of some of our more illustrious Presidents, please place a check mark beside those you believe to be promiscuous.

1. George Washington
2. Abraham Lincoln
3. Franklin Roosevelt
4. Harry Truman
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. John Kenneady
7. Lindon Johnson
8. Jimmy Carter
9. Gerald Ford
10. Ronald Reagan
11. George Bush
12 William Jefferson Clinton


Can you imagine, for one moment, that Abraham Lincoln, honest Abe, would be found with his penis in the mouth in a young, female intern, or that George Washington, at the height of the Revolutionary war, would drop his pants in front of Dolly Madison? The thought is preposterous. In the list of twentieth century presidents, those alleged to have had sexual relations with women, other then their own wives, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kenneady, and William Clinton, are all Democrats. (It is true that Dweight Eisenhower was alleged to have had a romantic affair with his female chauffeur during World War 11, although, while president, he behaved himself.)

There is something about the liberal, democratic philosophy that either encourages or condones, or excuses behaviors that are not generally found in those of a conservative persuasion.

Liberalism and conservatism, as political ideals, flourish in both national political parties, although liberalism finds a congenial home in the democratic party while conservatism is associated more with the Republican party.

It has been my observation that conservatism, as a life philosophy, inside or outside of politics, is characterized by individual responsibility and accountability while liberalism, as a personal philosophy, is associated with irresponsibility and a desire not to be held accountable for one’s actions or lack of them. I understand that there are many other differences between these two personal life philosophies, but I think this basic distinction lies at the root of many of them.

A person, who holds a conservative attitude is more likely to abstain from improper sexual relations, and if he or she does fall to the sins of the flesh, is more likely to admit the transgression and seek to make restitution, where possible, while a liberal will seek to evade detection, disclaim any knowledge of the transgression, or shift the burden upon someone else.

I believe these two points of view also invade the personal spiritual life of the individual. A conservative is more likely to acknowledge his guilt before God then is a liberal. I am not suggesting that liberals are more godless then conservatives or that heaven will be populated by Republicans, for sin and transgression cross all party boundaries, but that those holding a certain life view will respond to God and sin within the context or framework of that life view.

I believe, in their fundamental sense, these two contrasting views, which are manifested in a marked manner in the political arena, are but an outward evidence of the success of the Holy Spirit at influencing the life.

I am about to venture out onto very controversial ground, but, knowing me as you do, that shouldn’t be surprising. It is my belief that liberals cannot remain liberals after conversion and that conservatives will not abandon these principals following a life-changing experience with the Lord.

Let me cite just one example of what I mean. Both conservatives and liberals deplore the increased incidence of crime but each point of view proposes divergent solutions. The liberal, believing that guns are the root of the crime problem, would ban these weapons or control their sale and use contrary to explicit constitutional guarantees of the right to bare arms.

The conservative, equally as concerned as the liberal over the epidemic of crime would demand greater punishment for the offender in the belief that the criminal must be punished rather then rehabilitated.

The Liberal denies that the criminal is responsible for his or her crime, therefor he or she should not be punished, while the conservative believes the opposite, criminals are accountable and must be punished. To instill the fear of swift and immediate retribution in the mind of the would be criminal is to thwart future crimes, the conservative believes, while the Liberal excuses the perpetrator, casting the blame for the crime on to societal pressures, family background, or economic circumstances. The one philosophy says we are accountable, the other denies personal responsibility. The liberal affirms the supposition that guns cause crime while the conservative believes the criminal causes crime. Ban the guns, and crime will decease, punish the criminal and crime will decrease.

As a man familiar with the teachings of the Bible, does God hold me or society accountable for my sins?

Liberalism is a delicious philosophy, for all of us, sinner or saint, desire to be excused from the consequences of our actions. That is the nature of sin. None of us, Republican or Democratic, naturally desire to follow the path of righteousness, but some of us, having heard the gospel of righteousness by faith, believe that we may live without transgression through the faith of Christ, and, having chosen the better way, surrender our wills to the controlling influence of the Holy Spirit demonstrating, through our living witness, that we are followers of the Lamb, while others, having also heard the same gospel, refuse to yield to God’s will, preferring to follow our own bent toward sin.

The nearer one tends toward personal accountability, the nearer we approach to God for it is only through the influence of the Holy Spirit that we see ourselves in a true sense and are compelled to acknowledge our sinful state of being.

Therefore, it is my belief, based on an understanding of the scriptures, that a Christian must relinquish all liberal tendencies, both political and personal in order to remain committed to God’s will and way.

Dear Brother, I know that these ideals are controversial. I am not suggesting that all liberals are doomed to the fires of hell for God is an equal opportunity savior. All may freely choose to believe or disbelieve his salvation. As the Holy Spirit is removed from the world, just prior to Christ’s second appearing, the polarization between those who excuse their personal accountability for sin and those who confess their transgressions will become distinct.

What we are witnessing, today, in the political arena, is the visible result of this polarization or the withdrawal of the Spirit.

May we be found on our knees confessing our personal accountability and responsibility for our sinful actions and thoughts, that the Lord may forgive and heal our lives of the curse of sin and transgression.

May the Lord richly bless you and your wife with health and a full understanding of these matters. Your brother in Christ.


Allen A. Benson

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