Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White, March, 16,
1890, Battle Creek, Michigan
I want to say a few words in reference
to faith. I want to say, brethren and sisters, it is not natural
for us to believe, but it is very natural for us to foster unbelief.
This is the besetting sin, and has been the besetting sin of
God's people. It has not been natural for me to believe for myself,
and I have had very severe lessons on this point until I know
that it is not safe for me to cherish for one moment any doubt.
I never doubted the truth, but to cherish doubt in regard to
myself and my work.
Now, I have great sorrow of heart--I have
had nearly ever since the Minneapolis meeting--and I will tell
you why. Because God has been speaking to me as He has done for
the last forty-five years, and I have presented these matters,
and the brethren have known and have seen the fruits, and yet
unbelief has come right in. But why? They will take the testimony
of somebody else, and they will all be credulous in regard to
that. Now, when it comes to the manifest movement of the Spirit
of God, if the Spirit was in their hearts they would recognize
it in a moment. But the trouble is, the Spirit is not in them.
And they never will search these things to see if they are so.
The reason why I felt so at Minneapolis
was that I have seen that everyone who has taken a position similar
to the one they took in Minneapolis would go into the darkest
unbelief. Have we not seen it acted over and over again? Then
when we see just how Christ was tried, when He came upon
earth; when we see the hardness of the hearts;
when we see what the enemy can do with human nature, putting
unbelief into the heart, I should think it would be such a terror
to our souls that we would not dare to open the heart to the
miseries of unbelief and dwell in that atmosphere, such as there
has been since we were in Minneapolis.
Well, we wonder why Christ prayed with
such an agony. It was not for His own sake, but it was because
of the hardness of hearts, that notwithstanding He was the Way,
the Truth, and the Life, yet people were so hardened that they
could not see it and accept it. And as you took their steps,
here was my trouble. As they took their steps in the path of
unbelief that day, others are taking the same steps this day,
and my grief is the same as Christ's was. They are placing themselves
where there is no reserve power that God has to reach them with.
Every arrow in His quiver is exhausted.
Now, I feel this in every meeting where
I have been. I have felt that there is a pressure of unbelief.
It is just as evident as it ever has been. I can go among the
unbelieving (just as Christ spoke to the Samaritan woman, and
the Samaritans came out and heard); I can go among those that
have never heard of the truth, and their hearts are more susceptible
than those that have been in the truth and had the evidences
of the work of God. But they excuse it all. "Why, we did
not know that some things were so and so." When we get the
Spirit of God in our hearts, He will speak to us. There is the
trouble. When they see that God is working in a certain line,
they commence with all the power of brain, and all the power
of thought, and all the power of talk, as it has been the case
here, to stay the work of God.
Let me tell you, the testimony will be this: "Woe unto thee,
Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works,
which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they
would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes" [Matt. 11:21].
Now, I know what I am talking about, and
as I do not expect to have many opportunities to speak to you,
I will say again: "Fall on the Rock." I have no hope
for you unless you do. I am glad--yes, I am so thankful-- that
some are beginning to see that there is light for us. If we want
to stay in the cellar, we can do it; but the only way for anyone
of us is to fight the good fight of faith. It is not anything
that is going to come naturally; but we have got to fight the
good fight of faith instead of absorbing all the filth of unbelief.
If it is a suggestion of unbelief, credence is given to that
at once.
You will never have greater light and evidence
than you have had here; if you wait till the judgment, what you
have had here will condemn you. But God has been speaking and
His power has been in our midst, and if you have not evidences
enough to show you where and how God is working, you never will
have it. You will have to gather up the rays of light that you
have had, and not question so.
"But there are some things that are
not explained." Well, what if everything is not explained?
Where is the weight of evidence? God will balance the mind if
it is susceptible to the influence of the Spirit of God; if it
is not, then it will decide on the other side. They will come
just exactly where Judas came; they will sell their Lord for
thirty pieces of silver or something else. They will sacrifice
everything to unbelief.
I will tell you why it makes my heart so
sad. It is because every such mind that is susceptible to unbelief
and the say-so of this one and that one, and that works against
the light and the evidences that have been presented since the
Minneapolis meeting--I tell you, brethren, I am terribly afraid
that they will fall at last. I am terribly afraid that they will
never overcome. But the blood of the Lamb and the testimony of
the Lamb must be on the right side of the question. When God
is working--and they have got no light to know that he is working,
and they just place themselves right under the enemy's power
and work right in that line--then they make excuses and say,
they did not know. "Oh," said Christ, "if they
had known that it was the Prince of light, they would not have
crucified Him." Well, why did they not know? Well, if they
had only known that these objections that we have been fighting
were no objections, then they would not have done it. Well, is
that any excuse? Why did they not know? They had the evidences
of the Spirit, and it was only the false reasoning, perversion
of words and positions, and the misunderstanding, that has led
them to this position of danger.
Now, I tell you, God will not be trifled
with. God is a jealous God, and when He manifests His power as
He has manifested it, it is very nigh unto the sin of the Holy
Ghost to disbelieve it. The revealings of God's power have not
had any effect to move and to stir persons from their position
of doubting and unbelief. God help us that we may remove ourselves
out of the snares of the devil! If ever a people needed to be
removed, it is those that took their position in Minneapolis
at that time on the wrong side.
It is a true saying that we cannot do anything
against the truth, but for it. The precious truth of God will
triumph; it has the triumph in it, and it is not going to fall
to the ground, but somebody will fall, just as in the days of
Christ. They have their boundaries and lines, and God has got
to work in their line. God disappoints people a good deal. He
works right contrary to what they expect. The Jews expected,
of course, they were going to be blessed with a Messiah. You
see, there was no place for Christ. He had to make new bottles
in order to put His new wine of the kingdom in. Just so He will
here. The crown is there in the hands of Christ, but many will
lose it, and why? Because they have not run the race.
Now, I have seen how the enemy works. He
doesn't want to let go of the people here. But, oh, let no soul
go out from here with darkness, for he will be a body of darkness
wherever he goes. He scatters the seeds of darkness everywhere.
He carries all these seeds and he begins to sow them, and it
unsettles the confidence of the people in the very truths that
God wants to come to His people. I have told our brethren here
again and again that God has shown me that He raised up men here
to carry the truth to His people, and that this is the truth.
Well, what effect did it have on them? They were just the same;
so that it should not be made of any account. What is the matter?
Brethren, I say again, Fall on the Rock and be broken! Don't
try to begin to make excuses. Well, here Christ says when they
should bring their offerings and make confession of their sins,
if afterward they found that other things came to their remembrance,
notwithstanding but one, they should come and make an offering
for that.
Now, brethren, we want to have the simplicity
of Christ. I know that He has a blessing for us. He had it at
Minneapolis, and He had it for us at the time of the General
Conference here. But there was no reception. Some received the
light for the people, and rejoiced in it. Then there were others
that stood right back, and their position has given confidence
to others to talk unbelief, and cherish it. Now, brethren, if
you expect that every difficulty is going to be laid out in clear
lines before you,. and you wait until it is, then you will have
to wait until the judgment, and you will be weighed in the balances
and found wanting.
Now, brethren, can there not be some means
insured by which we can have a season of prayer? My strength
is about exhausted. If it is possible, I want to get away before
the last atom of strength shall be gone here. Brethren, why not
pray to God? Why not get in such a position that you can lay
right hold of the hands of God? Why wait for God to humble us?
Now God has been waiting for those men that have stood in the
way, to humble themselves; but the word has come to me, "If
they do not humble themselves, I will humble them." Now,
God will work. He will have the work prepared for His Spirit.
There is to be a preparation for the last great day, and we want
to come into a position where we can work unitedly with intense
earnestness and courage for God.
I want that some of these shall assemble
again, and then I want those that have been standing here and
questioning, and been just about ready to give up the Testimonies--we
want to know why; and if anything can be taken out of the way,
God help us to do it! We want to know why the enemy is having
such power upon human minds as he has here. It is something beyond
anything I ever saw in all my experience since
I first started in the work. The people of God who have had light
and evidences have stood where God would not let His blessing
fall upon them.
In the chapel hall the power of God was
all ready to fall upon us. I felt for a little time as though
I could look right into glory; but the spirit that was there
drove it away. We want to understand how we are working. I speak
these plain things because I know that there is nothing else
that will do. We have tried to encourage in regard to faith.
One brother thinks that Sister White doesn't
understand her own testimonies. Heard that in Minneapolis. Why?
Because the brethren did not agree with them. Well, there are
some things that I understand. I understand enough to acknowledge
the Spirit of God and to follow the voice of the Shepherd. I
understand that much. (MR 900.13)