 Electronic distribution authorised
 EXTERNAL AI Index: AMR 51/118/95 4 September 1995
 Further information (2) on EXTRA 68/95 (AMR 51/78/95, 8 June 1995, and AMR
 51/83/95, 19 June 1995)
 - Death Penalty USA (Florida) Joseph SPAZIANO Joseph Spaziano is scheduled
 to be executed in Florida on 21 September 1995. His original execution
 date of 27 June 1995 was indefinitely stayed by Governor Lawton Chiles.
 Governor Chiles cited doubts about Spaziano's guilt for the crime for
 which he was originally convicted, and the fact that the trial judge
 imposed a sentence of death despite the jury's recommendation of life
 imprisonment. Amnesty International has been unable to discover the
 reason for the lifting of the indefinite stay of execution.
 Supporters of Amnesty International around the world are writing urgent
 appeals in response to the concerns described above. If you would like
 to join with them in this action or have any queries about the Urgent
 Action network or Amnesty International in general, please + + contact
 one of the following: Ray Mitchell, rmitchellai@gn.apc.org (UK) -
 Scott Harrison, sharrison@igc.apc.org (USA) - Guide Gabriel,
 ggabriel@amnesty.cl.sub.de (Germany) - Marilyn McKim, aito@web.apc.org
 (Canada) - Michel Ehrlich, mehrlich@aibf.be (Belgium)


 I got this "spam" mail, unasked for.  
 Amnesty is giving NO information here ... 
 WHY not tell us the reason the judge change the jury's recommendation !
 The reason: Spaziona WAS already in jail for life, for a previous rape  
 and murder attempt.  

 Amnesty International is known to help innocent people and victims of violence.
 So why helping somebody who raped, killed and victomised people ? 
 WHAT about the people who were intimidated, harrased, abused, raped and killed ?

 Willem Harberts


WFH, 15 mei 1997