You step into the house and smell an odd odor, and only see two candles which are supposed to be your illumination, but were blinking fighting the wind from the door being opened.

"Where do I go?" you ask aloud...but no one answers


"Where do I go??!!" You ask a little louder. But once again no one answers. It is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack...
"Sometimes it is like the smallest thing matters," comes a voice from out of nowhere. 'The smallest thing?', you ask yourself.

You have gone too must backtrack and remember --- look very closely, because the smallest thing could help you find your way home.....

Should you click on the demon???!!! Wait!!! You better think that decision may not be the right one! If you pick the wrong thing, you may be taken to....THE BEAST!!!!!

Are you chickening out???? Do you just wanna go running home to your mama??? Or, do you think you can go on.....IF you could just have a hint? Well, let me tell are only allowed ONE hint in this haunted house...just because we want to scare the crap out of you, and you haven't even seen the GOOD stuff yet!!!
Okay, here is your one and only hint, you mama's boy!!)
Take my hand and I will show you the way.....