Remembrance to my Daughter, Dawn Four Years - IMAGINE "Time Heals All Wounds"…..or so the saying goes. For all parents who have lost children, this statement does not apply. It is hard to put into words the agony I have suffered since August 13, 1997, but let me try by asking you to IMAGINE… ·
Waking up each morning and having the nightmare of losing your child on
your mind Imagine… · Going to bed each night with tears in your eyes.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing that I can say here that would even
come close to describing the pain that lingers in my heart. Words cannot
express the sadness I feel by the loss of my daughter. There is one hope,
and one hope only…. And
what a wonderful tomorrow that will be.
love you, Dawn ~Mom~ |
Kiss your children every day
- today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.
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go to Barbara's Basement