Page CIS 2149 Syllabus
Student Grade Calculator
Chapter Lesson Notes: 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
| 11 | 12 Word Lists
Office: 182I
Office Hours: Posted on Ms Paulk's office door.
Office Phone: 303-1744
TEXT: MCSE Windows 2000 Professional Study Guide; Thomas W. Shinder, Debra Littlejohn Shinder; Osborne/McGraw-Hill; 0-07-212389-3
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND CONTENT: CIS 2149 provides the ability to implement, administer, and troubleshoot Windows Professional as a desktop operating system in any network environment. CIS 2149 provides the foundation for the Microsoft MCSE 70-210 core certification exam.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion this course, in a Windows 2000 Professional the student will be able to:
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Text book, materials for taking notes, and one three-brad folder or notebook. The student should also have an email address that can be used for communication within this class.
REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION: The student is responsible for reading the assigned chapters from the text and completing assigned labs and homework assignments. The grade for the course will be based on the scores from tests, labs, and quizzes. Any homework will count as bonus points. The student must achieve a course average of 60 or better to pass this course and a grade of 70 or better for this course to serve as a prerequisite for another CIS course.
Tests ---------------------------------------- 70%
Quizzes and Labs ----------------------- 20%
Final Exam -------------------------------- 10%
Homework --------------------------------- Bonus Points
Students are expected to be on time for class every day. Students who arrive in class more than 10 minutes late on test/quiz days will not be allowed to take the test/quiz and will be counted absent for that class time. Points will be deducted from the Work Ethics grade for any student who arrives in class after roll is called on test/quiz days. Any student who arrives for a test/quiz after another student has completed and turned in the test/quiz, will not be allowed to take the test/quiz.
Tests: A scheduled test that has been missed can be made up during the regularly scheduled exam time at the end of the quarter. The make-up test will be comprehensive - it may include all of the topics covered during the quarter. If more than one scheduled test is missed, the comprehensive test will count multiple times, one for each test missed. The lowest test grade will be dropped.
Quizzes: There will be no make up quizzes. If the student is not in class at the time the quiz is given, the student will receive a grade of zero on the quiz. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
Homework Assignments: Homework assignments are due on the date specified when the assignment is made. If a student is absent on the day the homework is due, it is the student's responsibility to show the homework to the instructor when the student returns to class. To be given credit for the homework assignment it must be complete. If any part of the assignment is missing the student will not receive credit. No homework will be accepted from students who are tardy to class.
Regular class lecture or lab: The student is totally responsible for making up any work missed when she/he has missed a regular class. Note: This includes obtaining from the instructor any handouts, assignments, etc.
See Polices for All Classes for information on the attendance, and other polices for this class.
There will be a separate Work Ethics grade for this course. The Work Ethics procedure is explained in a separate document.