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After it was realised that some station broadcasts were competing for the very same audience, the stations agreed to co-operate and a 'network' was formed which saw the four stations using the same frequencies on a rotation basis each Sunday. The real highlight for the listening audience occured on the fifth Sunday of a month when the stations would broadcast the famous '6235 kHz Network'. The programmes were often simulcast on 7325khz 41 metres, which would ensure that at least one frequency was clearly audible.

Shortwave broadcasts are difficult to track because after the signal leaves the aerial there is very little ground wave, the signal heading skywards. Despite this the 'Network' would entertain listeners and no doubt the Radio Interference Department by turning the transmitter off during a programme casette swap and then switching it back on again. This gave the illusion that the four hourly broadcasts were eminating from seperate transmitters!!

The favourable sunspot activity of the late 70's helped DXers to hear the stations in many different countries including regular reports from America, Russia, and as far afield as New Zealand and Australia.


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