Yakatan Black Dalmatian


Black Dalmatians were the first cavies we became interested in and will always remain the predominent focus of our breeding here at Yakatan. We have animals based on UK lines, as well as animals based on Australian lines. Generally the UK line animals tend to be lighter spotted, have more distinct spots and have less roaning, although there are always exceptions. While we prefer the lighter spotted animals ourselves, there still seems to be quite a preference for the heavier spotted animals among judges. The heavier spotted animals seem to possess tremendous depth of colour and perhaps it is this which catches the judges eye?

Some of the photos below hardly do the animals justice, however as I get better with the digital camera I hope to improve things somewhat! I hope to eventually have good photos of all the boars and sows currently being used at Yakatan up on these pages so check back on a regular basis.



 Yakatan Quito (aged 4 months)

 Yakatan Quito again - top view



 Ceilidh Sheena

Yakatan Arica



Yakatan Salvador (Black Dal Boar)

 Stoney Creek Tuscany



Yakatan Fortaleza (sow) - boohoo - white foot!

 Yakatan Martinique (Blk Dal Sow)



 Yakatan Cayenne (sow)

 Renaissance Rhys (boar)



Tabiche Mudlark (self blk sow)

 Jayann Bernadette (self blk sow)


 Tabiche Turtledove (self blk sow)

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