by Sohphine
In the morning, through the mist, life doesn't seem so bad.
Softer, quieter,
cares still settled at the bottom of my mind.
The tall trees seem friendlier
Knees dipped into rippling water, yawning leaves
still wet with the night's tears.
Together we stand, the trees and I,
vacantly staring, sharing the calm with a single bird
heard beyond the edge, who cares little about the struggles in the night.
Poem and picture ©Sohphine May, 1999
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all poems© Sohphine 1997-2008
[Morning ]
[The Tree]
[Why Worry?]
[Larry's Sunset]
[My Prayer]
[I Get Knocked Down (but I get up again.)]
[Your Touch ]
all poems ©Sohphine 1998-2008