CH Caernavon's Shadow Warrior

Shadow is the cuddly little boy of the family. We brought him home with his littermate, Penny. He belongs to our son. We got hooked on dog shows because of Shadow. He won Winners Dog at his first dog show. He earned his Canadian Championship on January 8, 1999. Food is not on his list of priorities. Instead, he lives to play. He likes to chase the broom, play tug with his rope bone, play ball, and just run for the fun of it. We think he would be a good dog to try out in agility competition. We've seen him in action at the kiddie playpark running up and down the ramps, through the tunnels, over the bridges, and up and down the stairs. He tries to ignore us when we say playtime is over and it's time to go home. He is the most "talkative" of all the corgis we've had.


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