This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 NIV

Descendants of John Baumunk

Descendants of James Campbell

Descendants of Bryan Cavanaugh

Descendants of Henry Dangler

Descendants of Daniel Gotshall

Descendants of John McCory

Descendants of Samuel McDougle

Descendants of Obediah Preston

Descendants of Joseph Prowant

Descendants of Fred Uhlenhaker

Descendants of Daniel Reese

Descendants of James Welch

Genealogy Links


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Wood County, Ohio Cemeteries

Time Line of The Civil War - 1861

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American Civil War and Military History

Civil War Rosters - Ancestral Trails

General Index of Hospitals Names

Civil War Records

Index to the Civil War in Missouri

U.S. Army Military History Institute

MHI Archives Database

index3 CONFEDERATE The Obreiter Account

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

USGenWeb Archives: Ohio Military Records

Camp Life: Begin Your Tour

Prologue: Civil War Records

Preserving the Legacy of the United States Co...

The Record: March 1998: Headstones of Union C...

American Civil War Map Exhibits Timeline Stat...

Selected Civil War Photographs Home Page


The American Civil War Home Page War / War for Sou...

Second Maryland Infantry, U.S

NPS African-American Civil War Sites

A A Civil War Sites

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Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library

Sterling Price Camp, No. 145 SCV

Brethren Life

wilunion. html at

wilcon.html at

Civil War Order of Battle

Wilderness Battlefield

Diary of the Battle of the Wilderness

76th NY Volunteers at the Battle of the Wilde...

Military & Pension Records for Union Civil Wa...

Shirley Hornbeck's This and That Genealogy Ti...

IGSI passenger lists Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts...

NARA's Southeast Region

Civil War Web Sites

United States, Civil War Regimental Histories...

USIGS Military Collection

Forsyth's Unknown Confederate Soldiers

National Archives and Records Administration

How to do Genealogy Research in Military Reco...

The United States Civil War

22nd Infantry, Company A, Clinton County IL

The American Civil War Homepage

US GenWeb Archives Pensions Project

PASSENGER SHIP On the Trail of Our Ancestors/Donna Speer Ris...

Brethren History & Genealogy: Miscellaneous L...

ISTG - Voyages in the 1800's

The Winthrop Fleet 0f 1630

The Mayflower Web Pages


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