Ch. Bearkees Just Two Kühl....


BISw Ch. Dreamwoods Cool Runnings x Ch. Skylines Kathy Sue

In Sam's first show as a special, she did great! Winning BOB and then a Group 4 from a very well-respected Keeshond judge - Mrs. Loraine Boutwell. Sam loves to show and has that "look at me" attitude that is so much fun to watch.

As a special Sam has won multiple BOB's and BOS's. She started her show career by achieving her first major at her first show at just over 6 months old by going BOB over a group winning special.

"Slammin Sammie" has the true Keezie grin (which she uses at every opportunity to try to get her way...I've got to admit it works) and loves to "talk"...her favorite words right now are "Rut Ro" which usually means she's been up to something.

I've taken to calling her my "Angel" since she's very intelligent, with the true Keezie loving attitude and just a "hint" of mischief. She has great structure & color PLUS brains. Sam is a real "charmer" and we're really enjoying her show career as a special. A HUGE Thank You to Carol Dishongh for using our Iceman as sire for this beautiful girl....and letting us have her!