
Wiccan Rede

"An it harm none, do what ye will."

An Introduction . . .

Witchcraft, also known as Wicca, or simply the Craft, is considered to be the Old Religion, because it is based on religious practices of our Pagan ancestors. Wicca celebrates life, is earth and fertility orientated, and worships the divine as personified in the form of a Goddess and a God. Moreover, the Craft encourages the use of psychic power and majick to bring physical desire into fruition.

The Main reason Witchcraft has survived through the millinnia is because its philosophy has always been fluid - able to adapt, change, and contribute to the social structureof its time. Additionally, Wicca has always encouraged its adherents to do things according to the natural order and to see the connections of all life. This embracing of nature and her ways tends to develop strength of will and character within the devotee.

One outstanding feature of the Wiccan religion is the status it accords its adherents. Women and men are both respected members of the priesthood; groups (covens) meet and worship within a circle where all are considered equal; and individuals are encouraged to develop their own spiritual ideals and style of worship.

Wicca is an all-embracing spiritual philosophy and way of life to its followers. In its simplest form, the practice of Witchcraft is a process of learning to understand nature and tread her paths with confidence and pride. In its most complex form, Wicca facilitates the creation process and permits the individual to manifest desire, in accordance with his or her own will. Simply put, Wicca helps people reclaim their personal power and spiritual individuality.

The Wiccan religion is unique in that it lacks the heirarchial doctrine imposed by most organised religions. There is no Pope or spiritual elder to dictate morals or impose punishment. There are no specific doctrines one must follow,, other than the good sense offered by the Wiccan Rede: "an it har none, do what ye will."

Wicca is considered to be an oral tradition, which means it is passed from one individual to another by the spoken word. In general, it is taught in small groups known as covens. Spiritual knowledge is gained through extensive reading, as well as through personal experience. It is through personal ecperience that individuals learn how to live in harmony with their surroundings as they grow and progress spiritually.

If this way of life interests you, a suggestion to take your time and learn to appreciate the subtle nuances upon which the Craft is based. By doing this, you will gsin the necessary knowledge and understanding you need to truly take advantage of all the Craft has to offer. Wicca is more than a once a week trip to church - it is a way of life.

"Religiion. A daughter of hope and fear, explaining to ignorance the nature of the unknowable."
 - Ambrose Bierce
