Larry's genealogy consists primarily of the following families: Burgess, Wiggins, Owens, Harris, and Kidd.

Burgess Genealogy
Our Burgess family genealogy and related links to other Burgess genealogy pages.

Harris Genealogy
Our Harris family genealogy - Archie Harris and descendants.

Kidd Genealogy
Kidd family genealogy.  Descendants of William Kidd of Soham, Cambridgeshire, England.  Links to other Kidd genealogy pages.

Wiggins Genealogy
My great-grandfather was Joseph Lenard Wiggins, b. Oct 18, 1871 Greenville, AL, d. Mar 23, 1955 Atlanta,Cass County, TX. His wife was Mary Ellen Chamblee, b. Apr 15, 1875  Canton, GA.  My grandmother was Naomi Wiggins, b. Dec 22, 1896, Atlanta, Cass County, TX, d. Apr 28, 1977 Texarkana, TX, m. Jasper Henderson Burgess on Nov 11, 1923 in Atlanta, Cass County, TX.   If you have any information on this family, please e-mail us at the address below.

Owens Genealogy
My grandfather was Clarence Owens of Junction City, AR. If you have any information on this family, please e-mail us at the address below.

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To contact us:

Email: Burgess family