There is a wealth of information on the internet. Below you will find some very good dog related websites. The American Kennel Club site is especially helpful to pure bred dog owners. There are articles there that cover a vast aray of topics. Also the Orthopedic Foundation of America (OFA) site is very good. You can track dogs and even produce pedigrees there. Visit these sites and come back here often!

If you know of a site you would like added here, drop an email to .... and I will post it if it fits the guidelines of the Waterloo Kennel Club.

The American Kennel Club. A site packed full of important information about pure bred dogs.
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. A site dedicated to the health of pure bred dgs, especially as it pretains to hips. Onofrio dog shows. Information on upcoming dog shows. Premium lists and judgeing pannels are available, along with on-line entry options. Info Dog. A great site for information on dog shows.
Canine Eye Registration Foundation. A site dedicated to eyesite in pure bred dogs. Roy Jones Dog Shows. Information on dog shows in the mid-west. On-line entry available along with Premium list and Judgeing pannels.

Breeder sites
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