1996 The year I flunked at computing. :(
August 19,
1997 I purchased my Hewlett
Packard computer.
(actually about a year before that I purchased an IBM and not
having ever touched one before well .... You guessed it, I
damaged it beyond repair, totally dead, so I returned it to the
store and thanks to my visa "Special Rule For Credit Card
Purchases" I was able to get a full refund, and since then
did not have the courage to touch another one for a year.
Dec 1997 I got ICQ after the insistence by Chavez [coworker].
Drip by Drip I am learning HTML webdesigning,
all my pages for over a year were made the old way by typing the
HTML code letter by letter. If you want to see the
HTML code, just click on
View/Source above.
1-29, 1998 I hope this pages improve as the owner learns a little!
December 1998
I started to do it this way on Dec 29 1997 [typing the code manually] and after a year now I tried one of those
WYSIWYG [What You See Is What You Get] called: GeoBuilder, they
give this description of it:
Now you can create your own web
masterpiece without knowing H T M L . Just point and click, drag
and drop. It's the easiest way yet to build a web page on
GeoCities. But I can't get used to the supposedly easier way.
1~4~1999 Feel free to criticize My pages and teach me H T M L [I need it]
On Jan 16, 2000 I started experimenting with a program called "FrontPage Express" and by now Feb 7, 2000 I got most of the necessary know how to feel a little comfortable at using it, the best part of "FrontPage Express" is that once I create a page, updating my pages and uploading them is very little time consuming . [No more code typing manually]
Dec 1, 2000 Purchased a new computer: Dell 1Gz, 80 Gb HD, 19.8" Viewable monitor.
January, 2001 Learned to do a "Network Conection" between two computers.
The URL to this site is: http://geocities.datacellar.net/samuel_acosta/journal.htm