The Un-official site of
The Olympia Heights Post Office
Stamp Pictures, ZipCodes, Mail Bombs, Court Cases, etc.

:03/13/01 35¢ Stamp in the year 2002? Lilely!

from: dated 3-8-2001

Some important lines i learned from the above link:

  1. WITHOUT POSTAL REFORM, AT RISK IS POSTAL SERVICE'S ABILITY TO DELIVER UNIVERSAL SERVICE that is regular delivery of mail to every address across the country – from the biggest city to the smallest village – at uniform and affordable rates as called for by Congress since the founding of the nation. [Stratigic bluffing business tactic, UHHH!]

  2. Immediate freeze on capital commitments that will affect over 800 facility projects. [posponed]

  3. The Postal Service is facing a potential loss of $2 billion to $3 billion this fiscal year [2001].

  4. The Board asked management to take unprecedented action on additional cost-control options, including an immediate freeze on capital commitments that will affect over 800 facility projects and significant new reductions in work years and administrative staffing. Management will seek additional opportunities to reduce costs. [X-mas bonuses?!!!] ........ Nahhhhh.

  5. Board of Governors may file with the independent Postal Rate Commission this summer, requesting a postage rate increase of as much as 10 to 15 percent. [now that will happen to pay for item 2, [NOT for SALARY].


MAlthough the appearance of mail bombs may vary greatly, here are some characteristics that have repeatedly shown up. .Here You will find the aerial picture of Olympia Heights Post Office Small [5-16-1996]as seen from many miles out in space. and Wider Angle.
Also see GMF in 2-1-1998
Employee Information

.Hi: For employees at the post office, Welcome to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) homepage| Current Information | Rates of Return | Account Access.

,Please make sure every one of your colleagues knows about FEDweek, the federal employee's best and most reliable source of pay and benefit news.

Customer Information U.S.P.S.

/| Tracking | ZIP Code Lookup | Rate Calculator | Change of Address

+Welcome to The Postal Store on Line featuring the latest stamp and stamp collectibles from the U.S. Postal Service.

Court Cases

Between the PO & Employees.

.view Administrative Decisions  decided in court between the USPS and employees and customers.

+Clerks purchased misprinted stamps in Kent, Ohio, PO and resold the stamps at a profit.

+ 1-11-01, USPS could not collect $1,705.35 from a window clerk in NY for cashing a stolen U.S. Treasury check, the clerk followed check-cashing procedures.

@2-21-2001, Manager tries unsucesful to collect $1,615.80 from supervisor salary because of loss around the time of the POS-ONE system at Delaware PO..

Between the PO & customers

@postmaster can close a customers PO Box for not showing proper ID in renewing box, an that new regulations required proof of the applicant's physical address, and that identification was needed for all persons who would be receiving mail at that box.

@2-28-2001 Denial of application for a post office box at Silver Springs, Florida. Judge determined that an RV park is a "transient development," and therefore not a valid "physical address".

Check back, I will be updating with some more new cases. Sam

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13-Mar-2001 02:09 AM
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