Saddness in our Schools
Saddness in Our Schools

I would just like to take a moment to offer my condolences to the families of the children lost in the tragedy of Littleton, but not only them but to the families of those in Springfield, Oregon, Edinboro, PA, Joseboro, AK, West Paducah, KY and Pearl, Mississippi as they relive the memories of their own tragedies. Also for those in Notus, Idaho, where tragedy was barely escaped. Again today, May 20, 1999 I must add yet another school, Heritage High School in Georgia.

My prayers are with each of the students and teachers that lived through the horror of those few hours or few minutes, in each incident, that will forever change their lives. Seek God in your life for by His strength you can get through this. Ban together as families and friends, and lean on those who love you and reach out to those you love. Don't let this tragedy build a wall around you.

I also pray for the families that it was their children that sought out guns and violence to solve their problems. I cannot imagine the pain any of you, the survivors, families of the victims, and families of the gunmen, must be going through. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

What have we learned from these eight incidents? Nothing, I fear. We seek to place blame. We want to blame the guns, the tv, the video games, but in all actuality none of these things alone create the desire to kill. We may never know what caused some of these kids to kill or wound others, but we need to look at it as a cry for help from all our kids.

The background of little feet you see here is not here by accident. It is here because it reminds me of a time of innocence of my own children. When I held them, realized the precious gift I had been given by God along with the Great responsiblity I had been given. Each child is precious and to be treated as such with love caring and understanding. I don't know what was going on in the lives of these kids that brought guns to school, and don't claim to. What I would like to do is ask each parent to be involved in their child's life, don't take for granted that when they walk out that door they will be returning. Make sure they KNOW you love them, and that you are available to them, that they can come to you with anything. Kids die in car wrecks too, not only in school shootings, any day could be their last.

This epidemic of school shootings is not the only problem teens are having, look at the number of teenage girls that are killing their newborn babies. We are raising a generation that has no regard for human life. But why would these girls see it as murder, when if just a couple months prior to delivering this baby they could have legally had an abortion with no consequences? They just made their decision a little later to kill the baby they carried. No wonder our kids are confused, we are sending them so many mixed messages. We NEED to get back to sending ONE message and ONLY ONE. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. That includes everyone regardless of whether they have been born or not born.

Some things to think about
What a Concept
Hell is Real