
Meet The Family!!

Our family consists of Roger, myself, our son, Corey and his fiance, Kim, and their three daughters, Elizabeth, Naomi, and Morgan, and our youngest son, Ian. There is also Richard Stairs, who is like a son to us, and he and his wife, Amy, and their son (our Godson!), River Matthew, and daughter, Brooke, live in Oklahoma. We live in the Bangor, Maine, area, and have been for 10 years due to a job transfer. We are all originally from the Houlton, Maine, area.

We are owned by a cocker spaniel - Miss Lady Francescia, a 15-year-old redhead. We lost Master Samson Desi, our second cocker spaniel, just after Christmas of 2004 to cancer. His absence is still profoundly felt in our home. If you are a pet lover, Sam and Lady invite you to visit their very own web page.

Roger is employed by a national freight company. His interests include racing, racing, and racing. He also loves XBox 360, fishing, soccer, computer games, traveling, and lighthouses.

Laurie ~ me! ~ webmistress for this website, is employed by Maine State Government. My passion is scrapbooking, and my other interests include lighthouses, computers, scrapbooking, NASCAR racing, animals, reading, and music. I am an AVID Disney fan (especially Winnie the Pooh), an AVID Anne of Green Gables fan, and my favorite place in the world so far is Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Maine. Favorite movies include "Somewhere in Time", "Anne of Green Gables", "A Walk in the Clouds", "Clueless", and all Disney movies! Rog and I are just big kids at heart! I invite you to drop by ~Lady Laurel's Cottage~ to visit a spell and check out a few of my favorite things.

Corey used to be employed by a local new car dealership, but he is now employed full time as a Staff Sargeant with the Army National Guard as is his fiance. He and his fiance both served a tour in Kuwait during the current conflict and came back safe and sound, thank God.

Our youngest son, Ian, is graduating from high school this June and is going on to college this fall to study to become a Sports Trainer. His interests include soccer, football, girls, XBox 360, NASCAR cup racing, and landscaping.

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