Wayne and Dianne Simister's
UTAH Information & Family Pages
Come visit! -- Information you probably won't find anywhere else
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Mormonism - The LDS Faith. Good decisions cannot be made with zero information. Here is the information you should have before joining the LDS, Mormon, religion:
Is or is not Mormonism, the LDS, Mormon Religion a cult?
Should you become a member? Here's the information you should know.
Can you afford to be a Mormon? Tithing is commanded as 10% of your GROSS income for salvation. -- This tithing calculator will reveal part of your true costs of being an active Mormon.
It's easy to become a Mormon .... not so easy to remove your name. Facts on resigning from the LDS, Mormon religion. An example letter of resignation is included.
Latest news about the Mormon Church
Polygamy set stage for both early LDS, Mormon, church presidents to be poisoned?
"You are admonished to continue to pay a full tithe regardless of your circumstances. Please do not bring us your problems...."
Just who IS a worthy Mormon? LDS Church bishops and stake presidents will ask these personal questions to determine if you are worthy and deserve a temple recommend.
Troubles getting name removed - a personal story
Utah News Director Confesses --
News Not Being Reported Truthfully -- Mormon Control and Influence Discourage Honest Media Reporting
The LDS presidency just a cozy family business?
Hierarchy speaks: We are Gods not humans.
Mormonism sows seeds of destruction in this family
LDS Church is Utah's largest employer.(December 22, 2002 Salt Lake Tribune article excerpts)
The Hurt in a Mormon Temple Marriage. Would you really want one?
Leaving a predominant Mormon town clears up depression - a personal story
Mormon Missionary regrets his mission. "I regret not doing the right thing."
The Mormons -- what the missionaries and ads do not tell you
New Yorker Magazine article about Mormonism.
So, who is "Joseph Smith," the founder of the LDS Mormon Church? (A man who knew him intimately is interviewed)
Marry a Mormon? -- The polygamous intermarriage among early Mormon families explain why certain genetic diseases prevail in Utah.
Two short personal stories tell of the complications and regrets in joining the Mormon, LDS Church.
About LDS, Mormon mission "callings."
The LDS Church often chooses to ignore the law about reporting child sex abuse
LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley as the class prankster?
Robert Kirby, Salt Lake City Tribune columnist gives insight into Mormonism's truths with his humorous writing style.
Mormon Hymn -- "Oh, Please Go Away" A satiricle MP3 piece about joining Mormonism, ... an action he now regrets.
Locations of graves in the Salt Lake City Cemetery for Mormon polygamists and other LDS, Mormon leaders -- two detailed maps.
About Utah:
Our Family Pages:
Judy Lamb -- FREE knitting patterns home page. Daughter, Judy, reveals her choice, creative, imaginative, and innovative knitting designs for the young folk. Judy also writes young people's stories.
Brian Lamb's DOS Games page which includes Bingo, Tic-Tac-Toe, Ping Pong Scorer, Simon, a Supper Selector (recipes), and Mane Organizer which organizes names, birthdates, etc. I love his Bingo program which emulates professional Bingo machines.
Download these FREE short children's stories -- Grandpa's Stories in MP3 format
FREE download of two programs that will (1) Let you play the game of Bingo, and (2) Make a Bingo Card layout to your computerscreen.
Download a very handy savings calculator! OR use this on-line calculator
The One Button Home. ... just the ticket for the new home. Contol any light in the home from any touch plate in the home.
The Grandchildren Page
Jeffrey Simister, son, -- computer specialist, photographer, LDS counselor, mineral collector, and young adult leader
James Simister, son, Senior Software Engineer, composer, photographer, and computer expert.
Roger Simister, brother, home page (retired electronic engineer)
Some great True Type fonts
Create a MAGIC SQUARE. (Any column, row, or diagonal adds up to the same number!)
Touch plate switches, burglar alarms, LED flashlight, Child's Traffic Light, and more - Wayne's Electronics
Family fun vacations, pictures, music, sounds, favorite links, and more
Dowload printable sunset, mountain, and other photographs taken in Utah.
DO Save! Here's an on-line savings calculator
My favorite clock !
Contemplations on Darwin -- a poem
In memory and a tribute to my mother
FREE MP3 downloads -- Wayne's music compositions inspired by visits to Yellowstone National Park, Zions Canyon, Arches National Monument, and Utah's other historic and scenic locales
Mormon Hymn -- "Come, Come Ye Saints (an MP3 file)"
Yellowstone Vacations - a yearly tradition:
E-Mail: wsimister@sisna.com
Wayne & Dianne Simister
Opened on November 18, 1997
Page Modified March 8, 2009