yooper cat tales

Let It Snow

i'm a yooper, eh?! warm hearts...cold noses

Winter can be very harsh up here. Below are some examples of the worst of winter.

Our street during a blizzard

Blowin' In The Wind

It sure piles up fast. Along the neighbors' backyards

And piles up. On our garage

A large blower/plow cuts back the banks to widen the street

Graphic Tales

The Cat Tales banner is mine

The photos are mine, all rights are reserved

The Born Yooper graphic is from
Yooper Ring

Background from
dreamfires link

All other graphics from
catstuff graphics link

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Updated on 9-11-06

A kitten's work
Is never done.
There's air to chase--
Ten ways to run.

It takes all day
To fill my eyes
With sunny grass
And butterflies.

For spot from chuckles :"


cat tales
dark skies
winter wonderland

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