I'm On The
Top Of The World

About 23 miles north of Hancock begins a scenic stretch of highway known as Brockway Mountain Drive. It has some of the most beautiful panoramic views that you'll find in the Upper Peninsula. The views of Lake Superior and the surrounding forest, small lakes, and towns are truly spectacular, especially in the fall. The road that runs right along the lake shore, M-26, is another beautiful scenic drive. Below, and on the next page, is just a small taste of the beauty.

Click here to read what the sign says

This first picture is from a postcard. "The Copper Country. This region is extremely beautiful and rich in legend, lore and history. The signs are atop picturesque Brockway Mountain at Copper Harbor. The lower scene is the shoreline and highway M-26 in Keweenaw Country, Michigan"

This is a small waterfall along M-26

This is along the Lake Superior shoreline on M-26

This is from a scenic overlook along Brockway Mountain Drive

This is an ore freighter on Lake Superior
seen from a scenic turnout on Brockway Mountain Drive

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All photos, unless otherwise noted, are mine
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Born Yooper is from
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Updated on 1-1-2004

A kitten's work
Is never done.
There's air to chase--
Ten ways to run.

It takes all day
To fill my eyes
With sunny grass
And butterflies.

For spot from chuckles :"


cat tales
a tale of two cities
still on top of the world

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