Romeo, the most loving dog I have ever owned. He has never met anyone that he did not greet as a long lost friend. His name fits him **very** well!!

He is a clown, feeding off of a crowd to make them laugh and applaud joyously. When I call him, he will run to me with a full-tooth smile. He knows he will make me laugh.

Romeo is glorious to live with and to watch in the ring . He's a fabulous example of poodle type. He covers the ground with effortless flowing movement.

He is a wonderful tribute to his parents and grand parents. (to view pedigree .... click here) So far, all the genetic testing is good. (to view GDC report .... click here)



Candid video capture on the day he finished his championship at 15 months of age.

He finished in heavy competition, winning a 4 pt. major at the Columbia Poodle Club Specialty and a 3 pt. major two days later, his first weekend out in adult trim. He is the first of 10 champions for his father, "Sport".

I am thoroughly in love with this boy. His temperament, his personality, his show ring attitude, his presence....absolutely *everything*!! I am in hopes to incorporate him into my breeding program at a later date.

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Created April 15, 1998 by Sherry Aanderud


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