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James Wick from Washington has graciously set up a "List Server" for the Valdres Samband. This mailing list is set up especially for the people of Valdres heritage.
Jim tells us "...it would allow any member (of the list) to send email to the list and then that email would be bounced out to all subscribers...allowing everyone to see what was being discussed and also allowing members to take a particular thread off line among themselves if they so desired."
Click on one of the following "mailto" links (or using your email program type in one of the following addresses). Leave the "Subject" blank. In the body of the message type "subscribe" (without the quotes) and no additional text. Send.
List Mode - (receive each posting as an individual email) VALDRES-L-request@rootsweb.com. Do the same as above.
Digest Mode - (several postings are combined and sent to you together as a single large message) VALDRES-D-request@rootsweb.com
Once you have subscribed, you will receive an email message with more information on how to post a message to the list. People, like yourself, will post messages to the list and every member of the list will see them. For those researching their Valdres heritage, this will be a valuable resource - to obtain and share information.
"...we must nurse knowledge and relationships among Valdrises of the younger generation... I will not go into detail on how this will be done. This must be worked out by those who assume the work; but there must be publishing, and most in English. It will require much work, but it will bring those who do it many pleasant contacts."