Uk flag February 1998.


messy baby! Matthew is begining to try and walk on his own. He will take a step between two things which he is holding on to. To encouage him we play a game where he has to walk between us, which he thinks is great fun. He is also learning to open cupboards and climb on things. It is quite amazing to watch him. The nursery has a slide which he enjoys playing on, but he is told to "sit down" at the top, so he has got used to what this means and will sit down on command! This is the first time he has shown that really understands any English.

We went skiing again in Scotland, leaving Matthew overnight for the first time ever. It was a big deal for us, but I don't think Matthew minded one bit. He enjoys staying with his Nana, and playing with their dog. When we got back he was totally content... but very pleased to see us, and had a big hug for each of us!

asleep My parents came up to visit us bringing a birthday present for Matthew. Matthew seems to have got very fond of his grandpa, and wouldn't leave his side. We enjoyed a beautiful weekend and Matthew had the chance to explore the outdoors for one of the first times ever. The five of us all went for a trip down another show cave, and this time Matthew was awake for the whole time. He was amazed by the new sights but got bored by the end of the tour.

Finally Karl no longer has to go away during the week, and Matthew has been very clingy to his dad. I think he is worried that his daddy will go away again because he cries whenever Karl leaves the house... but in all Matthew is much more settled now that Karl is back. To this end Matthew has decided to drop his morning breastfeeds. He now wants a cup of tea like mummy and daddy instead! Matthew has also become very confident on his feet, by the end of the month he is not only walking, but he is also enjoying kicking a ball! We will have to go and get him some shoes for his birthday.


left arrow Matthew, January 1998 down arrow right arrowMatthew, March 1998
Pregnancy, February 1998