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Java Snow
Bachelors of Science, Physics -University of Washington, 1973
Bellarmine Prep School, Tacoma, Washington,
Computer Programming and Operations - ITT Computer Institute,
DB2/SQL - Platinum Technology (Computer People), 1993,
Rexx/CMS - St. Petersburg Junior College, 1987,
Unix and "C" Language - St. Petersburg Junior College, 1986,
Oracle - St. Petersburg Junior College, 1994
Novell CNA School - Tampa, Fla., 1994
C++ - (Computer People) DCI- Clearwater, Fla- March 1997
Worked for FRANKLIN EQUITY MUTUAL FUND in doing portfolio analysis in DBASE III+.
This involved calculating a three year moving average of the price/earnings ratio for each of the stocks in the Standard and Poors 500 (S and P 500) stocks universes, and grouping those ratios into quintals (1/5).
We then weighted the growth rate of earnings for these stocks over a 5-year period and grouped those into quintals.
We then took the PE ratio and divided this by the growth rate, thus getting a measure of "how much do you pay for a stock's growth."
The FRANKLIN EQUITY MUTUAL FUND then invested and even dollar amount starting at $1 million in the top 50 stocks that met this criteria, held these stocks for one quarter(three months)
and then performed this calculation again("re balanced").
Using my software this mutual fund was one of the top performing equity mutual funds for the period from 1982 to 1988, and the net asset value of the fund grew from $200 million to about $3 billion.