Unions of Lutheran Churches in Southern Africa


The following two unions are co-operative ventures between Lutheran churches in Southern Africa which are aligned with the Lutheran World Federation:

  1. Lutheran Community in Southern Africa (LUCSA)

    LUCSA has member churches from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The original Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Southern Africa (FELCSA) was established in 1966 and became LUCSA in 1991. The Moravian church of South Africa is also a member. The headquarters are located at the Lutheran Centre in Bonaero Park, Johannesburg.

    The member Churches of LUCSA are:

    LUCSA, P.O. Box 7170, Bonaero Park, 1622, South Africa, Tel. +27-11-973-1873, Fax +27-11-395-1615
    Bishop P.J. Robinson, President, P.O. Box 1976, Gabarone, Botswana, Tel. +267-316-4615, Fax. +267-316-4612

  2. The United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, UELCSA

    UELCSA is a union of ELCSA (NT), ELCSA (Cape) and ELCIN (GELC). An alliance between these churches (or their predecessors) was already established in 1927. The Union was established in 1964 and deals largely with common concerns of the 3 member churches, including matters of liturgical interest, theological training (at the Lutheran Training Centre in Pietermaritzburg), etc.

    Contact: Bischof N.J.Rohwer, P.O.Box 7095, 1622 Bonaero Park, South Africa, Tel. +27-11-973-1851.

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