Friends on the Web
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This is my very dear friend Jean.  Her nickname is UgoGirl.  She works online at Thirdage.  She is my oldest friend on the web.  We have visited in real life several times.  She has a marvelous family that you can visit by clicking on her name, or visit her at work.
Here is a photo of some wonderful friends who live in New Zealand.  David and Maureen were a source of strength for me during Tony's surgery and successes.
These are my friends Hobbit and Smiely (Hobbit can't spell Smiley so Smiley became Smiely) with some of their kids.  I met Hobbit just after I met Ugogirl, and met Smiely in Parent Soup not too long after.  We had the chance to meet them in real life in Baltimore at the end of March.  Click on their names and visit their home pages.
Here is my friend Carol Calhoun.  She is the official mIRC Goddess.  Another sweetie.  She has a wonderful
This is Truddle, she is the chat moderator for Parentsoup,  Truddloo is a great friend to have online.  she is very helpful for all newcomers.
family, and is a cherished friend.
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