Family Pictures

Ok, I finally figured out how to use the scanner and like I promised here is the page you waited to see (many thanks to DannyGrayHawk for helping me). This is a photo of  a gentleman friend and his son along with Tony and I.  The tall young man at the center is Tony, my son, the young man to the right is Chris, Dominic's youngest son and of course the older couple are Dominic and I.

This is a great picture of Dominic.  He says that it will be his obituary picture, guess everyone needs to have one.

This is a shot of us without the boys.

This is a great shot of the boys together.  They get along very well too. Too bad they grow up and move on to different interests. Now that I think of it, not so different. Tony went to culinary school to become a chef and Chris is an assistant manager in a restaurant. Maybe one day they will work in business together, who knows. One thing I do know, Tony is a great cook and is wicked great with knives. He can cut a carrot so thin, you can almost see through it.

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This picture of me is what the photographer calls an ego shot.  I did not want it taken, but Dom and the boys insisted, the photographer was very convincing too.