Man must walk hand-in-hand with beauty
            To know the scope of his role.
            Without it, the psyche dwells in darkness,
            For beauty lights the lamp of one's soul.

            Aesthetics, whether man-made:

            Poegnant song of a violin rare,
            Ballet's wondrous, panther grace,
            A stunning work of art
            With a master's soul revealed there.

            Or whether crafted by a heavenly crew
            In some celestial workshop:

            Beauty prevails for you and me
            Despite man's seeming efforts
            To obscure it with his debris.
            Awesome splendor of the setting sun
            Is there for all to see,
            And the moon, that ghostly galleon,
            Sails high from heaven's gate
            Spreading it's sheen alike
            O'er tenement and landed estate.
            Stars of the twilight sing together
            For all--no one's advocate.

            In wretched city streets, where
            A lonely tree covers with its shadow
            All who would its comfort share
            A tiny blossom thrusts its way
            Through a crack in the sidewalk there.
            Showers of the mountains come and go
            On summer clouds impatient wings
            And non-partisan drops of rain
            Fall the same on beggars and kings,
            Both can rejoice at the sight
            Of beauty that nature brings.

            Truly, none is so blind
            As he who will not see,
            For beauty to nourish man's soul
            Is there for all; it's there for thee!!!

            Our Lodge
            Waltz of the Star's
            My Secret Hour
            So Late
            Creation Of Woman
            You Have Gone
            Master Scribe
            Walk in Beauty
            Ode To An Outcast
            Thread of Time

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