Here are a few things that I have found to help around the house.  Some I have tried and some I havent tried yet.
Hope they some how help you!


1.  When making a cake always add 2 tablespoons of boiling water to the butter and sugar mixture.  This makes a fine textured cake.

2.  To squeeze juice from a lemon or other citrus fruit, place it in the microwave for a few seconds.  I cook a cold lemon on high for about 40-45 seconds.  You won't beleive how much more juice you will get from it.

3.  Store your cake in the vegetable or fruit drawer of the refrigerator and it will stay fresh.

4.  To sucessfully cut angel food cake use a hot sharp knife.

5.  One teaspoon of vanilla in cranberries is GOOD!

flower line with bee on it


1.  Plant radish and cucumber seeds together to keep bugs off cucumbers.

2.  Tiny seed are easier to plant in a even row if sprinkled from a salt shaker.

3.  Two tablespoons of Epson Salt and one tablespoon soda to each gallon of water makes a spray for bean beetle.

4.  Before working in the garden, rub your fingernails over a bar of soap.  This will prevent the earth from getting under your fingernails and the soap washes out easily.

5.  If dog prowl across your seed-beds, stamp a few moth balls into the ground around your pet flower bed and they will avoid the spot.

clothes line


1.  Hairspray will remove ball point pen from clothes.  Spray liberally, rub, rinse and repeat if necessary.

2.  Hairspray also takes magic marker off hands.

3.  Turn printed washables inside out on the line.  This prevents fading.

4.  Colored cotton fabrics which have been soaked overnight in strong salt water will not fade.

5.  One half cup of ammonia added to rinse water will brighten colored clothes.

line of hearts


1.  Newspapers do a great job on cleaning windows.

2.  Rub vegetable oil on gummed labels on windows, bottles and appliances.  Let it stand for a few minutes.  Use a blowdryer to warm it up then rub it off.

3. To remove stubborn stains out of clothes, try soaking them in this:  1/2 cup of liquid cascade, 1/2 cup of bleach and 2 gallons of water.

4.  Nail polish will stop runners in panty hose.

5.  If your glue becomes hard in the bottle, add a little vinegar to soften it.

line of sheep

patch with view guestbook on it    girl with email sign   patch with sign guest book on it

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