My webpage

Aka Cocoa on IRC

IRC Addict

Hello, my name is Cocoa. I live in California with my son. Us! "Cocoa & Son" I love to go to Internet Relay Chat and talk to my friends on channel 41plus. Now I can be found on #black/white usually. I have been roaming the internet for over five years now and spend many, many hours there.(Alright so I don't have a life.) There are so many interesting and exciting things to do and see in the internet. My son is 13 years old and he has discovered Netscape. He likes to use it to search for cartoon characters in the web. He is also quite a cartoonist. That is also a place I spend many hours. Being an information addict as well as an IRC addict, I am in heaven in the internet. I have recently started looking for my ancestors. It has been fun and exciting reinforcing things I already knew and discovering new things. If you are interested in researching your Black and/or Native-American ancestors, here are some place to start. In search of who I am

Some places that are of interest to me

Guess what?!

My son's page

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