EVERGREEN ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Approved Operating Budget For Year End 12/31/06 INCOME: Assessments 77,385.00 Interest Income 810.00 Late Fees 462.00 Legal Fees 600.00 Miscellaneous Income 100.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS: 79,357.00 LESS: TRANSFERS TO RESERVES: (4,093.00) TOTAL TRANSFERS TO RESERVES: (4.093.00) TOTAL INCOME AVAILABLE: 75,264.00 EXPENSES: ADMINISTRATIVE: Accounting 1,700.00 Audit Fee 0.00 Administrative Expense 2,200.00 Bad Debt Expense 250.00 Legal 900.00 Legal-Litigation 0.00 Management Fees 24,054.00 Meeting Expense 120.00 Miscellaneous 0.00 Office Supplies/Printing 500.00 Postage 0.00 Printing/Duplicating 1,350.00 Reserve Study 2,500 Telephone 25.00 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE: 33,599.00 INSURANCE: Property & Liability 1,350.00 TOTAL INSURANCE: 1,350.00 TAXES: Income Tax 122.00 Property Tax 0.00 TOTAL TAXES: 122.00 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Landscaping Non-Contract 1,500.00 Miscellaneous R & M 300.00 Signs 50.00 Tot Lot R & M 393.00 Towing Expense 150.00 TOTAL REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: 2,393.00 CONTRACTED SERVICE: Landscaping 20,800.00 Snow Removal 1,500.00 TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICE: 22,300.00 UTILITIES: Electricity 12,500.00 TOTAL UTILITIES: 12,500.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: 72,264.00 SURPLUS/(LOSS): 0.00 NET 0.00