Jump, frog, jump!

A deaf joke!

Two kids were doing a science experiment to see how far a frog can jump. They placed their frog on the floor and stomped their feet and clapped their hands while shouting "jump, frog, jump". The frog jumped 20 feet. They wrote the results down on their paper....frog with four legs jumps 20 feet.

Next, they cut off one of the frog's legs and placed him on the floor. "Jump, frog, jump" they shouted while clapping their hands and stomping their feet behind it. The frog jumped 15 feet. They recorded the results...frog with three legs jumps 15 feet.

Next, they cut off another leg and repeated the experiment....the results....frog with two legs jumps 10 feet.

Next, they cut off another leg. They repeated their clapping and stomping and yelling. The results.....frog with one leg jumps 5 feet.

Finally, they cut off the last leg. They placed the frog on the floor. They stomped and clapped and shouted, "jump, frog, jump" behind the frog. Nothing happened. They stomped their feet and shouted louder, "jump, frog, jump". Still, nothing happened. They wrote down their results...."Frog with no legs is DEAF!"

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