Prairie Dogs on the Internet

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This "Prairie Dogs on the Internet" site is owned by  
Donna L Perry 

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I have met a lot of friends on the Internet. You'd be amazed how many Prairie Dogs there are out there! 
click here to visit my friend Mischief on the Internet  My friend Ronnie Dog is linked to Mischiefs page too. He also has his own page   
This is Daisy from Long Island, NY Daisy Here's Chewy. He lives in Chicago, IllChewy
Saurus, from Portland, Oregon has a webpage now! Click here to pay them a visit  I have met a new friend in Canada (Brrrrr). Buddy lives on Kootnay Lake.... Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. His email is    

Scooter has email too:


Ya'll be sure and check out my friend Chip Chip's new page!

Here's "Wandy" and "Burrow's" pages
We are now an INTERNATIONAL group.
Be sure to visit Peesuke in JAPAN! click here to see Peesuke  
(this server is a long way off, please be patient if it takes a while)
We have some new friends in Belgium now too (yup, there are a few Prairie Dogs there, but not many) They are interested in talking to other PD owners. Here's there email address: Horrevorst Inge at -  Tell em Bubba sent ya.
WOW!! Prairie Dogs are really popular in Japan!! Here's a new friend with lot's of links to other PD sites. (they are mostly in Japanese, but there's lots of pictures). Touma in Japan!!   

They even have a Japan Prairie Dog Association!! COOL!

Don, Moko and Chako - Akita , Japan
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