The Coshocton Ohio Hardesty Family Reunion
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Attended Aug. 16.1924
Mr. & Mrs. L. L. Hardesty; 23 Price Ave., Columbus, Ohio (crossed out);
213 Clinton Ave. Columbus, Ohio (crossed out); 2414 Medary Ave. Columbus,
Ohio (crossed out)
Ruth McCoy; 1427 Aberdeen Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Daugherty, Vera, Kenneth, Fred, Robert; 143 N. 2nd
St. Coshocton, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Ruhmer; 1239 Atcheson St. Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Killworth, Elizabeth, Clara Jane; 1593 Minnesota
Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Chas R. Mercer and son Paul and Daughter Jean Buckholtz;
409 N. Garfield (no city listed)
Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Smalley and son Alfred; 122 East 4th St.,
East Liverpool, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Oran Guthrie and daughter Oveda;. Conesville, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. John Hardesty and children. William, Alfred, Telford, Letha,
Vesta, Clifford & David;. Fresno, Ohio RR no. 1
H. C. Douglas & Myrtle Douglas; 1683 Minnesota Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. I. James McCoy and John Henry and Edwin Lee; 1438 Minnesota
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
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Mr. & Mrs. Noah Hardesty, Leonard, Kenneth, Charles, Ethel, Clarabel;
Conesville, Ohio
Mr. J. J. Watson; 1470 Wesley Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Lela Meredith; 1239 Atcheson St., Columbus, Ohio
Mr. Ed & Clara Fortune, Ruth Fortune; Fresno, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. L. W. Fortune and children Louise, Laura May, and Clara
Emma;. R.R. #1 Fresno, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hardesty & Ellanor;. Conesville (crossed out)
Olive St., Elyria, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Uffner & George, Anna Mae & Harry; Coshocton,
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Mr. Henry J. Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Mrs. Henry J. Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Gladys G. Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Ruth L. Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Edmond Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
James Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Miss Ruth McCoy; 1427 Aberdeen Ave., Columbus, Ohio (she's listed twice)
Mr. Howard Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Miss Esther Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Mrs. C. E. Thompkins, Martha Thompkins; (no address but "No 1927 is written
by this entry
Mr. E. Ellias; 1472 Moley Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Roberts; 1261 Atcheson St., Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Daugherty (above entry is written "Herbert"); Coshocton,
124 Chestnut St.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Daugherty; Elm St. Coshocton, Ohio
Floyd E. Meredith; 409 Garfield St., Columbus, Ohio
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Laurel (Hardesty); 1582 No. 4th St. Columbus, Ohio
Leonard (Hardesty); 1149 Market St. Wheeling W. Va.
Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Reifer & sons Glenn & Earl; Coshocton, Ohio
R. R. 5
Mr. Ralph Traxel; Conesville, Ohio
Mrs. Hannah Hardesty Joseph, Carl, Judson, Rollin, Paul, Kenneth; Trinway,
Ohio R.F.D. #1
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hardesty Mary & Oneta; Roscoe, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Hardesty; Lucas, Ohio R.F.D. 2
Mr. & Mrs. Harry McFarland, Robert & Raymond; Box 250 Roscoe, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Hod Guinther and Robert; 137 South Third St., Coshocton,
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Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Owen; Brodehead, Wis (written at top of page with
notation 1927)
Mr. Mary Thayer & family; Box 146 Zola Kansas (notation 802 N. St Zola
Kansas, 1927)
Joe Hardesty; Conesville, Ohio
Mrs. Ritta Taylor; Robison, Illinois
Mrs. Minnie Cullison; Trinway Ohio R.F.D. #??
Mr. & Mrs. Alva Rickets; Trinway, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Hamp Wright; Warsaw, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wright; Warsaw Ohio
Mr. Mrs. Bothwell Crawford & Family; Coshocton, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Myers; Warsaw, Ohio (with note "no 1927)
Mr. & Mrs. John Taylor; Warsaw, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Wright (no address)
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Myers (no address)
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Mr. & Mrs. John Donley; Conesville, Ohio (scratched out) Adams Mills,
Mr. & Mrs. Al Wright; Conesville, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Walker & daughter; Coshocton, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Mills; Dresden, Ohio (scratched out) Vine St., Coshocton
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Smailes; Vine St., Coshocton, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs Edward Dickerson; Coshocton, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Ellis & family; 364 Whithome Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Mart Roberts & family; Conesville, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Roberts; Conesville, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Russel Roberts; Fair Point, Ohio
John Donley & family; Conesville, Ohio noted 1927
Mr. & Mrs. Cap Davis and family; Dresden, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Miller; Coshocton, Ohio R.D #2 (1927 new 93 Beltshquer
Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa
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Mr. & Mrs Emmet Brown; 750 Neil Ave., Massillon, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fortune; Roscoe, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Myers; 750 Neil Ave., Massillon, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Coverdale & family; Adams Mills, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Coverdale (no address given)
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Coverdale; Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs Geo Coverdale; Columbus, Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Harley Davis, Trinway, Ohio
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Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Pickering; 1748 Hale Ave, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Mrs. John Brazier & family; 1877 East 73 St., Cleveland, Ohio
Dave Hardesty; Rockford, Ill. (Scratched out) Sterling, Ill.
Mrs. Wm Purcell and daughter; Monticello, Wis (1927 203 Wallace St., Monroe,
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Castle; 6233 University Ave, Chicago, Ill
Mr. & Mrs. L. Fortune (no address given)
Abner McCoy & family; Coshocton, Ohio R. D. No 5 (noted 1927 "no, he
Mrs. Dora Dickerson & family; Wichita, Kansas
Charles Taylor; Roscoe, Ohio
Wilbert Daugherty; Elm St, Coshocton, Ohio
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The first annual reunion of the Hardety family ws held at Fair Grounds
on Sat Aug, 16. 1924.
We certainly had a well filled table. Every one enjoyed the dinner except
Jim McCoy, he was sorry he couldn't eat more. ("It was voted that this
be called Hardesty-McCoy reunion" this is scratched out and very faint)
First after dinner, we had the election of officers and appointment
of commetees, which were as follows.
Pres - Wetzel Fortune
Sec.Tres - Zelia Hardesty.
Rec Committee - Geo Daugherty, Jim McCoy, Stella Kuhner, Noah Hardesty.
Enter Committee: Vera Uffner, Gladys Hardesty, Arthur Killworth, Harold
Hardesty and William Hardesty. (William Hardesty is scratched out and Lonnie
K. entered in faint script)
Refres Com - Ida Daugherty, Alfred Hardesty, Ed Fortune and Oran Guthrie
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It was voted that reunion be held at Fair Grounds The second Sat. In
Aug 1925, August the 8th. Also moved that each family pay $1
this year. The amount received was $24.40, expenses $22.13 leaving a total
of $2.27 in the treasure.
A vote of thanks was given Jim McCoy for printing cards for us.
Next we have a few stunts, contests and games which were enjoyed by
all. Then the following program was given.
song - "America"
Rec - Chas Hardesty
Reading - Gladys Hardesty
Rec - Paul
song - (none listed)
Rec - Ethel Hardesty
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Rec - Gene
Rec - Martha Tompkins
Rec - Edmund Hardesty
Reading - Howard Douglas
Ext Class, Art Killworth, Bob Roberts, Wetzel Fortune, Jim McCoy, Oscar
Kuhner Oran Guthrie, Mr. Mercer, Harold Hardesty
Song - "God be with you till we meet again"
Following program we had lunch, then adjourned, everyone went home full
of pep and looking forward for next reunion.
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