Hardesty Reunions

Here we will publish past and present reunion information.


When I have the information on a current Hardety reunion I'll list it here so we can all be informed.

  • Illinios, I know its in October 1999. Anyone have specific information?



Here i will publish minutes, attendee lists, pictures, newspaper accounts, and any other information on past reunions. 

Coshocton, Ohio

The Coshocton, Ohio branch of the family began having reunions on August 16, 1924. They kept information packed minutes. Here is a transcription of those earliest minutes. There are several cases where an original entry of an address is crossed out and a different address written in above it by a different writer. I presume that as people moved the address on the original list of attendees was altered. I will note when this happened.

NOTE: The semicolon after the names and before the address is my insertion for clarity

  • 1924 - attendees with addresses, and minutes
  • More as I get them transcribed


Email Me seeker@netwalk.com
