The Schellinger family (also spelled Schellincxs, Schellinx, and Schellincks) originated in the Netherlands. Jacobus and Daniel immigrated in 1642 to Nieuw Amsterdam, while Willem and Daniel were painters of some note in the Old World. Jacobus's family lived in Nieuw Amsterdam (New York); East Hampton, Long Island; and Milford, Connecticut.

Outline of the Schellinger Family

1 Daniel Schellincxs
..2 Jacobus Schellinger (1626-1693)
  +Cornelia Melyn [Loper] (1628-1717)
....3 Willem Schellinx (c.1654-1735)
    +Josena Noch
....3 Aeltje Schellinger (c.1656)
....3 Cornelius Schellinx (1658-1748)
    +Lydia Taylor (?-c.1715)
    Second wife of Cornelius Schellinx:
    +Abigail Payne    
....3 Jacob Schellinx (1658-1715)
    +Hannah Conkling
......4 Hannah Schellinx (1693)
      +William Whitehead
......4 Catherine Schellinx (1695)
      +John Conklin
......4 Hester Schellinx (1697)
      +Thomas Osborne
......4 Mercy Schellinx (1699)
      +Samuel Baker
......4 Jacob Schellinx (1701-1753)
      +Elisheba Miller
......4 Abigail Schellinx (1705)
      +William Rogers
......4 Daniel Schellinx (1708-1709)
......4 Daniel Schellinx (1710-1786)
......4Jonathan Schellinx (1712-1719)
....3 Abraham Schellinger (1659-1712)
    +Joanna Barnes Hedges (1668-1708)
......4 Joanna Schellinger (1689)
      +Samuel Ogden (?-c.1715)
      Second husband of Joanna Schellinger:
      +Samuel Williams (?-1759)
......4 Rachel Schellinger (1691-1744)
      +David Gardiner (1691-1751)
......4 William Schellinger (1694-1719)
      +Phebe Topping
......4 Abraham Schellinger (1697-1718)
......4 Isaac Schellinger (1699-1769)
      +Rachel Miller (?-1779)
......4 Amey Schellinger (1701)
      +Joshua Plumb (?-1762)
......4 Abigail Schellinger (1705)
......4 Zerviah Schellinger (1705)
      + Samuel Hudson (1701-c.1764)
    Second wife of Abraham Schellinger:
    +Philippa ?
....3 Catherine Schellinx (?-1708)
    +Nathaniel Baker
....3 Daniel Schellinger (c.1665)
    +Adriana van Schuyler (?-1704)
..2 Willem Schellincks (1632-1678)
..2 Daniel Schellincks (1634-1701)
  Second wife of Daniel Schellincks:
  +Constantia van Rijssen
..Laurnes Schellincks
....3 Daniel Schellincks

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