Living in Canada Number 1 - 08 OCT 1997 - A monthly e-zine from Canada ©Aaron Julius Kim - All rights reserved

Travel Where in the hell are we???
Homes Take a look at our former house.
Careers Know IBM in Canada.
Teen This is Wonderland!
Fashion Hallowe'en for All.
Life Last beer in São Paulo.
Plus! Somewhere in Time.
Sports Speak up and tell us about your Dream Team!
Guests Reader's Corner: Fame Sidewalk
Hi there! How is it going? Welcome to my virtual home!

More than just talking about the news here in Canada, this site intends to be a 2-way communication vehicle linking this (still) small Brazilian community in Toronto with you guys, our friends from Brazil.

As you can see, it's organised like a newspaper, and it is supposed to be updated monthly. No guarantees, though (La garantía soy yo...).

Now, please, enter and take a look at these pages, or just send me an e-mail... and, c'mon, bookmark this page if you haven't done it yet, and enjoy!

Português P.S.: Apenas esta primeira página será escrita em Inglês, só preu não ser desalojado...

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